I really hoped I wouldn`t have to ask this question but.......
Steve7(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2001, 09:19
......... what is Criterion? I have been reading these pages for a couple of weeks since buying my player and have seen Criterion mentioned time and again and now it`s starting to annoy me!
RE: I really hoped I wouldn`t have to ask this question but.......
dicanio(Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd April 2001, 10:39
Criterion is a company that take dvds with little or no extras and add loads of extras to them. visit http://www.criterionco.com They then sell them at inflated prices(They have to get paid for their efforts) The Rock criterion and Armagerddon Criterion are examples. You can get them from most region 1 retailers but http://www.ringos.co.uk is reccommended