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DVDs & Films Forum

X-Men Special Edition??

Neil Martin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 14:32

I wonder can anyone enlighten me about the rumour I heard that Bryan Singer intends, in the future, to release a kind of X-men Ultimate edition DVD, featruring stuff not currently on the R1 Disc, possibly including stuff he has not yet filmed?

Truth or No?


RE: X-Men Special Edition??

Longsightboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 19:30

`Tis true, I read it in one of my monthly DVD mags, (can`t recall which one right now) but, will have a scout round for ya and post back.

RE: X-Men Special Edition??

yangshouwen (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 20:03

It was true, they had a nearly complete Ultimate edition, but Fox wanted it out for Christmas, so all the copyright material seemed to have been lopped off. And it was a dissappointment for many that had heard of a release thar would utilise the dvd medium. Bryan Singer was sort of excited about. Can`t remember where it was though, I read this online. But I did read a few places on the same subject, and blatantly forgot where they were. sorry. :-/

RE: X-Men Special Edition??

Peter Alexander (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 20:43

Yes, there is meant to be about 9 hours worth of extras that could be added!



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