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Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

theclaretvillain (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 22:30

It seems that £17.99 at DVD.CO.UK is the best delivered price for the four disk version BUT I am a cheapskate - I dont want to pay too much - is it likely to get cheaper than this in the near future?

RE: Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 22:36

BUT I am a cheapskate

Now that`s an undestatement!!

Just how cheap do you want a 4 isc set to get and how long will you wait? You can still pay more than that for FOTR 4 disc!
Even if somehow it does get cheaper, it`ll only be a quid or so and I imagine that`s a while away yet.

Pay up you tight git..


RE: Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

theclaretvillain (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 22:43

Accepted :-)

I am just new to buying DVDs and have often bought computers and bits too soon and a few months later they were much cheaper. will get my order!!!!!

RE: Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th November 2003, 22:48

Yeah, know the feeling about PC`s and the `early-adopter` thing but £17.99 really is a great price that I can`t see being beaten (by anything worthwhile anyway) for a while yet..


RE: Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th November 2003, 10:01

The 4 disc fellowship is still around that price at least, though there was a link to it at £15.99 - but this is a year on, so you could wait a year for Two Towers and only save a couple of quid - so I`d get it now!

RE: Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th November 2003, 11:55


If you have a Morrisons supermarket in the vicinity to you buy if from there as it`t only £19.99 and you don`t even have to wait

For the sake of £2 saving I would if I didin`t already have the standard 2 disc version

RE: Will LOTR Two Towers get cheaper?

Baillie (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 30th November 2003, 16:40

Well I am sure if you waited until the final installment is released on dvd they will
inevitably release a trilogy boxset, but if you wait until after christmas
then the price should drop.

However knowing LOTR they will probably relase a super fradulistic expealidous
etremely extened directors cut with over 14 billion light years of extra footage
which will come complete with it`s own scientifically modified humvee boxset, retailing
at around $20 millon...

It`s hard to be first class when your white trash... roach class all the way.

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