Page 1 of the Fifth Element

DVDs & Films Forum

the Fifth Element

555 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th November 2003, 09:44

is this new version really anything that sepcial? i never seem to watch making of things anymore, i only like watching deleted scenes & outtakes/gag reels. and i dont think this has either. Or is the movie some form of new uncut version?

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

RE: the Fifth Element

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th November 2003, 14:52

I think all the additional material is documentaries etc.

It does have a DTS soundtrack, though, which I don`t think was on the original UK release.

RE: the Fifth Element

Thornastor (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 17:44

I read that this S.E the picture and sound has been remastered. Lets hope that at the end of the film that the very noticable black thin lines and blobs are removed which the R2 UK had.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 17:45

RE: the Fifth Element

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th November 2003, 00:01

The picture is a lot better at first glance, but I haven`t watched the film yet to see how it looks all the way through. Obviously I haven`t checked out the DTS/DD yet either. The extras are quite informative, and consist mostly of featurettes (two of which are almost an hour in length), and there`s a commentary with the visual effects team.

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