Page 1 of Best and cheapest CDR ?
DVDs & Films Forum
Can anyone recommend the best and cheapest cdr.. i need a 100 pack..
Cheapest are probably these towards the bottom of the page - £10.48 for 100 + p&p
what is the quality like ? for data & audio ?
RE: Best and cheapest CDR ?
theboyron (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd July 2003, 13:41
More than okay for VCD and Audio.
I ordered roughly 700 most had 3 from each 100 that had to be binned. Although one pack of 100 had 50 that had to be binned.
This was when they were £9.99 and no restrictions on how many you ordered!
Used mine for data, audio and video - had no problems from a couple of batches, but remember as they are overprinted the source discs could be anything and hence why theboyron had a few duff discs per pack.