Page 1 of Saving Private Ryan - DTS - Region 2

DVDs & Films Forum

Saving Private Ryan - DTS - Region 2

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 00:55

I have a JVC home cinema kit and have so far put it through it`s paces wiht minority report and pearl harbor, on both occasions it was absolutely stunning, i`ll never be able to go back to channel audio again! But, i have read that Saving Private Ryan is the ULTIMATE home cinema demo and was wondering if there is going to be a DTS Region 2 version? Although the machine does do DOlby 5.1 DTS is far better and if possible I`d liek to here it through that? ANy ideas if it`s going to be released region 2 yet?

RE: Saving Private Ryan - DTS - Region 2

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 15:42

Hi Jim,
Try Westy`s comments re DTS and DD 5.1. I have heard R1 of this (on a mates system) in DTS and obviously R2 on my THA 9R. Being perfectly honest I would be hard pushed to tell any difference. Would still be good to try them side by side though. A cracking couple of discs for pushing the sound are the Toy Story ones. And the picture is mind blowingly clear too.

All the best.


RE: Saving Private Ryan - DTS - Region 2

CAPTAINSHADWELL (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 22:51

Westys comments were basically "that there was little to no difference between certain DD5.1 and DTS tracks. However if you look back, Saving Private Ryan was one of the discs where the DTS was better, but not purely as it was DTS but it had a full bit rate DTS track and if I remember correctly, the actual DTS content was different to that of the DD. Clued in people like Westy can tell the difference between the 2, but most consider it to sound better, probably from the fact they are usually a few decibels louder.

You could find further inof if you wish here :

Hope this helps


RE: Saving Private Ryan - DTS - Region 2

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th January 2003, 09:35

Comments from a recent interview with Gerben Van Duyl, Business Development Director for Consumer Content for DTS Europe.

"Please, never refer to our 754Kb rate as 'half bit rate'. Our 754Kb bit rate is still a much higher rate compared to other compression technologies, but it is only a fraction of our maximum possible bit rate under Coherent Acoustics, which currently stands at 4.5 Mb! We just call it '754'. The first DVD done at 754 was Saving Private Ryan, which has been universally praised for its sound quality, so it seems to be doing a good job.

Currently, the maximum bit rate for a DTS bitstream is 1.5Mb, and that is what we prefer to use as it will deliver the best audio quality. But in order to facilitate the DVD authoring reality - where more and more extras have to get space on the disc - we made 754Kb bit rate available. This bit rate allows DTS to be used on projects where otherwise DTS would not fit and still delivers sound quality that is clearly superior to the alternatives."

Make of that what you will.

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