Page 1 of Samsung 709 + Chicken Run R2

DVDs & Films Forum

Samsung 709 + Chicken Run R2

SteveC (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 18th December 2000, 20:49

My brother got this disk last week, but it will not play on his Samsung. The picture breaks up (becomes blocky) and the sound cuts out. It`s not the disk, as it plays fine on my Cyberhome. Anyone else have this problem?

RE: Samsung 709 + Chicken Run R2

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 18th December 2000, 21:09

Nope, absolutely fine on my Aiwa!

But breaking up, freezing, blockiness and stalling were the reasons BOTH my Sammys ended up being returned and refunded!

Good luck with sorting it out.

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!

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