phlogiston(Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th November 2002, 22:53
A bit surprised to see the advice to buy a dvd appropriate to my region screen appear. May be a prob for some people. Got around it with another region 1 disk.
RE: Spider-Man Region 1 RCE
malcy(Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th November 2002, 13:14
As its released by Columbia who are the users of RCE its not a surprise. Over the last couple of months most of the R1 new releases have had RCE, but only those they have the worldwide rights to.
RCE is a revenue protection scheme as DVDs are more expensive in Europe and they want to discourage low priced imports from North America. They other supposed reason when a film has not had a European cinema release yet applied to Mr Deeds but not the likes of Spider-Man or Panic Room.