Page 1 of Battle Royale Special Edition problems...

DVDs & Films Forum

Battle Royale Special Edition problems...

e888boo (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st October 2002, 16:35

Has anybody else had any problems with the new Special Edition of Battle Royale pausing at certain points.

The pauses are like layer changes but 3 times in a film is a bit excessive!!!

One problem is near the end when the kid rolls forward and blows up the jeep with his bomb on it, it stutters...and the other is right at the end when the survivors are on the run and the girl gives the boy the knife and just as he opens it it pauses like a layer change!!

I`m on my second copy now and I`ve tried it in 2 different makes/models of DVD players!!!



RE: Battle Royale Special Edition problems...

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st October 2002, 19:13

I understood the pause where Noriko hands the knife to Shuya as being deliberate. Wasn`t it supposed to act as a snapshot, indicating a significant turning point in their lives?

Somebody please back me up on this.

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