Info and forum posts by 'e888boo'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 1st October 2002, 16:27, Last used: Tuesday, 1st October 2002, 16:27

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: "Schindler`s List" Packaging

You have to have the front flap opened up fully and the discs slide out easily!


RE: New Family Guy Collection...Not Happy!

Thanks for the support! :D

Why should I have to import discs anyway, yeah I admit I buy discs from all regions but essentially R2 buyers were basically discriminated against for getting earlier releases than R1 by having no extras, is that fair?! :/

Haven`t had a response yet though...wonder if I will?


New Family Guy Collection...Not Happy!

This week Fox released the Family Guy Compendium inluding all three previously released season sets and 2 extras filled bonus discs.

I think that this just wrong for those of us that bought the season sets on their original releases without any extras, especially as it was reportedly the amazing sales of these original releases which has ensured a bright future for further episodes and maybe a film.

I have e-mailed Fox regarding this, and hopefully try and get some response as to why we appear to be being penalised, copy of e-mail as follows:

Dear Sirs

I am writing to express my disappointment in this recent release.

I had purchased the original releases of all three seasons of this show on their days of release to show my support for the show and your company's DVD output.

However you have now just released these three original releases along with another 2 discs of bonus material! None of which was on the original releases!

I feel I have been taken for a ride as there was no indication that a better edition would be released at some point in the future and from reports on various DVD websites it appears that the success of these original releases has also prompted production on the show to possibly resume. I am assuming that the episode discs in the new box set are the same as the original releases.

Even if those who had purchased the original releases was offered the opportunity to purchase these bonus discs separately for a nominal sum, that would at least ensure that your customers are given the opportunity to have a complete collection instead of feeling as though we are being punished for purchasing a title we desired as soon as it was available. Also especially considering that as a complete box set the RRP is probably less than the combined RRP's of the individual releases, obviously what I pay for my DVD's is up to me and I don't feel that is any fault of yours, but it only adds to my disappointment.

In a collection of over 1100 DVD's I obviously have many of your company's titles and will probably continue to add more as titles I desire are released in the future, and hopefully a situation like this doesn't arise on future purchases.

I await your reply.

Yours faithfully

Fox can be e-mailed at the following address and I urge anyone in the same position to do so




For Sale: DVD`s for trade/sale...

The Fugitive - R2 (original release)
Die Hard 2 - R2 (original release)
Interview With The Vampire - R2 (original release)
Day Of The Dead - R2
Night Of The Living Dead - 30th Anniversary Edition - R2
The Deep End - R2
Soul Survivors - The Killer Cut - R1
Alien Legacy Box Set - R2

Open to offers.


Misery-Stephen King Feature?

Got the new Misery disc released last Monday and the sticker on the front states that there is a feature included with Stephen King...

What feature, he`s not in the documentary, featurette, galleries or trailers...anyone know?

Has anyone got their replacement 24 discs yet?

Has anyone received the replacement discs 5 and 6 of 24 back yet from Fox I sent mine back about 3 weeks ago and nothing back yet??

Anyone know how to contact them to find out what`s going on?!


Battle Royale Special Edition problems...

Has anybody else had any problems with the new Special Edition of Battle Royale pausing at certain points.

The pauses are like layer changes but 3 times in a film is a bit excessive!!!

One problem is near the end when the kid rolls forward and blows up the jeep with his bomb on it, it stutters...and the other is right at the end when the survivors are on the run and the girl gives the boy the knife and just as he opens it it pauses like a layer change!!

I`m on my second copy now and I`ve tried it in 2 different makes/models of DVD players!!!