Page 1 of Wharfdale 750s - two discs not working.

DVDs & Films Forum

Wharfdale 750s - two discs not working.

Neil Harman (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 20:39

I bought `Shaolin : Wheel Of Life` on DVD today. My Wharfdale plays the main feature fine but not any of the extra stuff. The screen just reverts to the blue DVD splash screen you see when turned on.

Anyone else experienced this?

To add insult to injury I also imported `2000 A.D.` from Hong Kong which arrived today and that also has all sorts of problems (picture blocks, jumping etc...).

Both discs work fine on my Creative PC DVD set up though. I have only had the machine for a week and I am beginning to think it`s just
another Scan SC2000 fiasco. Please god, not that again....


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