Page 1 of 24 recalled . . .

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24 recalled . . .

GARYWORK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 16:57

RE: 24 recalled . . .

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 18:52

Damn!! should have bought it when I had the chance!!!

If you haven`t clicked on the link, the Boxset of 24 that hit the shops last sunday contained an EXTRA 90 seconds of footage (collated from the last 5 episodes) that was cut from the UK transmissions.

They have set up a helpline if you want to get your DVD set replaced

Can anyone see something wrong with this?

I`ve always said, I`m old enough now to decide what I want to watch, and I don;t want any censors of any kind telling me what I can and can`t watch. (I will be buying the R1 version of attack of the clones PURELY for THAT headbutt the BBFC cut out. Yes, I`m that pedantic)

If there`s footage on my (theoretical) copy of 24 that the British Censors thought my sensitive little eyes shouldn`t see, I`ll be buggered if i`m gonna get it replaced for a lamer version!!!

RE: 24 recalled . . .

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 19:01

Addendum, (also posted on general forum)

According to BBC (Who broadcast the show);

"The DVDs, which contain all 24 episodes, include about 90 seconds of footage that was NOT aired on UK television" - not aired

The guy from 20th Century fox says;

"The studio has confirmed that the DVD versions do indeed contain the SLIGHTLY EDITED DOWN US versions of the series, and not the COMPLETE VERSION shown on BBC2 and BBC Choice." - Was aired

Well, i`m still confused as hell

RE: 24 recalled . . .

Martyn Smith (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 19:25

The BBC report has a fundamental error in that they state that the DVD`s contain approximately 90 seconds of material that was not aired in the UK. They have got this wrong, Fox have got it right in that 90 seconds of material is missing from the DVD`s but is on the VHS. So that is why Fox are offering this exchange program so that you can change your discs 5 & 6 which are the ones affected. Hope that clarifies everything.

RE: 24 recalled . . .

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 19:39

ah! good job I didn`t buy it then!!!

RE: 24 recalled . . .

Giles Manton (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th August 2002, 10:37

I have to say I`m really confused! I have followed the link to the BBC site and there are two conflicting statements in the same report...

Statement no. 1

"A production mistake meant that UK fans who bought the £45 six-disc set got the US version of the show, which differs slightly from that shown on the BBC.

The DVDs, which contain all 24 episodes, include about 90 seconds of footage that was not aired on UK television."

This tells me that the DVDs have more on them than what we saw on the TV.

However, in the same report comes Statement no. 2

""The UK DVD release of 24 is taken from the US version and therefore contains approximately 90 seconds of cuts from the UK aired programmes on the last five episodes," a statement from 20th Century Fox said."

This tells me that the DVD`s have less on them than what we saw on the TV. Which is right???


RE: 24 recalled . . .

kevin woolard (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th August 2002, 13:10


Fox promises to replace cut `24` discs

Fox has issued the following official statement regarding the UK box-set release of 24:

"The UK DVD release of 24 is taken from the US version and therefore contains approx.90 secs of cuts from the UK aired programmes on the last five episodes.

If consumers wish to replace discs 5 and 6, which are the only ones affected, they can write to the following address free of charge, including their original discs:
20th Century Fox
Freepost 38LON203004
W1E 3HG.

Discs will be available in approx 4-5 weeks.

The VHS version contains all of the UK aired programmes."

So it would appear that Fox's use of the US episodes in the UK release was a rather costly mistake, then! Incidentally, the R1 release of 24 features the cut episodes as they appeared on US TV.

Posted by John Archer
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