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DVDs & Films Forum

spider-man R2 on

Graham Patrick (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th July 2002, 10:09

RE: spider-man R2 on

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th July 2002, 21:34

Jesus, if ever a film didn`t deserve its extra features........

RE: spider-man R2 on

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th July 2002, 14:16

What do u mean by that? Its a brilliant movie and does deserve loads of extras.

RE: spider-man R2 on

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th July 2002, 19:23

I was just dissapointed with it that`s all. I thought it was too geared towards making it a trilogy which in turn affected the plot adversely. I didn`t like the tons of product placement either. Just my opinion though

RE: spider-man R2 on

pungin (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st July 2002, 12:00

With 40 years of source material (the comics) I`d expect more than a trilogy,just wish they would bring in Venom.:-)

RE: spider-man R2 on

peter parker (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st July 2002, 22:50

theres always someone gonna bitch about a movie of this type weve heard it all........
ohhhhhhhhhh (in a sarcastic tone) judge dredd never takes his mask off in the comic books...
oooooooooow wolverine doesnt look like that in the comic books......
awwwwwwww the green goblin didnt wear all that getup in the comic books.........
as for the too much product placement dig thats got to be one of the cheesyest groans yet, i was too busy enjoying the movie to notice...

remember that people going and ENJOYING a movie but no you can`t because everyones a critic, and the irony is you all know by christmas you will have it on your dvd shelf next to episode 2.

RE: spider-man R2 on

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd July 2002, 18:58

What are you babbling about? My criticisms were on its merits as a film, not its accuracy to the original comics. I don`t think anyone in this thread actually mentioned that as a problem anyway. My `dig` at the product placement was, as I said, my opinion. It was just my opinion of the film, I wasn`t trying to represent anyone else thoughts on it. Excessive product placement in movies tend to p*** me off, and I know I`m not alone with that. If by what you`re saying, you can`t enjoy a movie because `everyone`s a critic` then I suggest you learn to form a mind of your own and not let it spoil your enjoyment

RE: spider-man R2 on

peter parker (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd July 2002, 20:01

woooow touch a nerve there kid, a critic who can,t take criticisum then again thats not unusual, my point was (obviously missed) a movie is made to be entertaining and enjoyable ok so you dont enjoy it but to have some ass nitpicking at years of creative work because the hero swings past a pizza hut once or twice is to be honest a little shallow.
and yes thats me forming a mind of my own..........
ps this post is sponsored by pepsi ooooooh what a great taste.

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd July 2002, 20:02

RE: spider-man R2 on

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd July 2002, 20:19

I`ll just go along with your point mate, a movie is meant to be entertaining and enjoyable (nothing shallow about that point). Presumably should you not find a film enjoyable you are not allowed to voice your opinion on why for fear of upsetting someone who did like it.
You don`t even seem to have a point, you`re just p***ed off that I didn`t like a film that you did like. Judging by your handle, you were always going to be slightly biased anyway though weren`t you

RE: spider-man R2 on

pungin (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd July 2002, 22:15

If we all liked and disliked the same things ,what goddam boring lives everyone would have.

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