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ALDI Computer @ £699

LBM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 12:38

Aldi have pcs for £699 with the following spec.

- Pentium 4 2.0GHz processor
- Nvidia Geforce 4 MX 460 graphics cards with TV out and video in
- Sony CD re-writer 24max/10x/40max
- 16x DVD ROM
- Seagate 80GB hard drive
- 6 channel audio controller
- Firewire 1x front and 2x rear
- USB 2x front and 2x rear
- Whole host of other connections
- Software bundle of Windows XP, Word, Autoroute, Encarta Atlas, Picture it, Microsoft Money and 6 professional video and audio programmes
- 12 month warranty

I looked at the components for this system on ebuyer and can`t get anywhere near it.

Anybody know why they are so cheap and if they are ok??

I read on older threads that ALDI have had a good pc deal before. Did anybody got one - what was it like?


RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 13:05

I bought the one about 4 months ago, this looks the same make ``MEDION". but is now even better spec. I am very happy with mine. If it is Medion they also have a national rate Help Line.

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

mew (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 14:12


I like Paull got one of the last `offer PC`s just before Christmas. It will be near imposable again to get such good spec elsewhere.

If it uses the same 16XDVD (Artec), it will probably be multiregional hackable.

Customer services are also very good.

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Lakeuk (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 15:19

I worked out it would cost me an extra £300 to build this high spec baby, the only minus point on the system is the on-board sound, but this is very minor as you could easily disable the sound in put in a decent soundblaster card for less than £50.

They`ve put in the highest/fastest speced Geforce4 card in the budget range and you can also attach two monitors to it at the same time.

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 18:08

If you buy the fortnightly Computeractive! magazine (out today), they carry a full page ad for Aldi, but also, on page 25 they are carrying a full review of the system, and have given it a unanimous "Buy it" recommendation. As regards the on board sound, as a musician I prefer separate sound cards, but I gather the CMedia chip in this is a cut above the average, and has in-built Dolby Digital. However don`t forget that this is a base unit only (no monitor, keyboard, mouse or speakers), but remarkable spec. I, for one will be camped out at Lidl on the 11th, despite being temporarily cash-strapped lately! The only drawback I can see is AOL pre-loaded and operational (I don`t want it, and apparently it`s a bugger to remove properly). Roger.

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 18:11

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 19:31

You took the words right out of my mouth Roger - see the other posting transferred here which was sadly posted on the wrong forum and has one of my typically witty answers therein...

Incidentally, it doesn`t go on sale until 11th April (Thursdays is Aldi bargain day, and there ain`t no queues at my local one down the road, especially now the gypsies have set up camp nearby, and you don`t get the respect from young people any more....etc, etc)

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 20:31

We sell the Medion PCs at Toys R Us and none of us can work out how they`re doing it. We make nearly nothing on our PCs, and they aint as good. They must be making a killing on the monitors.

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

LBM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 08:06

They are selling 17" monitors for £99 so I wouldn`t have thought they would make too much of a killing on those.

p.s. I persume the £699 is inclusive of VAT??

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

Lakeuk (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 09:48

Aldi don`t have the same costs as places like Toys R Us, they have minimum staff and stock, no computerised systems, just bog standard tills, they tend to go for cheaper local advertising than nationally.

From what I can see from my local store they have very low staff turnover.

I expect alot of the specials will be sold at cost to get people into the stores.

Check out the german Merion website for up and coming specs - the prices are close to Aldi`s - and I expect Merions website prices will include some profit.

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

mew (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 14:34

One thing Aldi does splash out on though is staff wages. last time I saw jobs advertised, they were £7+ per hour for a sales/store assistant.

Satanica, what are Toy`rus staff on £4.50 per hour?


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