Sony Ercisson K800i from Carphonewarehouse + 512mb card + unlocked (when it should`nt!) £129.96
zcool202(Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2007, 11:56
Hey all,
I finally bought a new phone, but this seems too good to be true.
Popped into the carphonewarehouse in Glasgow to buy the K800i on O2 payg. It came with a free 512mb card. I asked the guy if i had to buy the £10 top up if i was already on O2 payg. Not needed he said, just need you mobile number to confirm you on O2.
When i got home to pop my old O2 sim in it, there was no sign of software branding O2 etc.
Then tried my girlfreinds Orange payg sim, and to my suprise it worked :)
So there you go, sim free unlocked K800i for £129.96 with 512mb card. And if you are not already on O2, guess you could say you are, and just use a friends O2 payg number :P
RE: Sony Ercisson K800i from Carphonewarehouse + 512mb card + unlocked (when it should`nt!) £129.96
Flyer(Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2007, 14:02
Not store wide if my experience is anything to go by...In the Harrogate store (Skipton Road), you got no memory card & certainly had to buy the £10.00 top up despite me taking my lads O2 PAYG (active & registered) with me. Good price none the less, just wish it had been as above...ta for the heads up anyway. :)