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Bargain Buckets Forum

£5 off £20 spend in any Staples store

kinobestew123 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd September 2006, 11:01

I have just been browsing the staples website when I came accross this voucher that you can print and entitles you to £5 off £20 spend in any Staples store!

Seems a very good deal to me. Especialy good for going to get all the kids stationary ready for back to school.

Here is the link:

Just click on the dual core press offer and the voucher is at the bottom.

(Note, this opens in adobe reader so you might need to download it)

RE: £5 off £20 spend in any Staples store

bony (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd September 2006, 16:08


Thanks very much just been to Staples and saved a fiver

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