SFBANKS(Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th June 2006, 11:27
As title says Photobox.co.uk are doing there poster prints up to 30"by20" for only £5.99.
Saving £13 on biggest print
I have used photobox before for a poster print and have been very impressed. I got a 20"by16" print using a 4megapixel camera and it came out fantastic!
The print comes very quickly rolled in a tube. Details of the code to put in is on the main page of the website.
Hope this helps someone out.
promotion ends on the 30/06/06
RE: Poster Prints at Photobox for only £5.99
Sue Davies(Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th June 2006, 12:24
i`ve used Photobox and they are very fast deliverers(i think that is a word) they also give you some free prints on your first order...it beats using the ink up on the printer