Page 1 of De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bargain Buckets Forum

De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

assasin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 15:30

Order it NOW before they change the price!

This item was edited on Friday, 27th July 2001, 15:36

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fecker (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 15:46

Hehehe nice one. Even though I`ve got 2 of these I did it anyway.

Good work fella.

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 16:24

oooooooh yes! What a good day this has turned out to be. One question though - what happens when they realise? Do they usually honour mispriced goods after they`ve taken your details and sent an emailed confimation?

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 16:34

Just ordered 2!!! Total price inc shipping ; $23.71!!!!!! About £16! Let`s hope they DO honour this, I`ll be selling one on ebay!! Many thanks for the tip, assassin!


RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 16:55

Price now been changed to $78.69!! The next couple of months could be interesting.......


RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 18:01

Damn, I missed it again!

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bozman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 18:41

The chances of Amazon honouring it are slim... After the Jet Li boxset misprice last year they haven`t honoured any further misprices e.g. Cast Away, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hannibal etc. The De Niro Boxset suddenly went to no1 in the chart after the exposure on all the newsgroups/forums so I doubt they will be honouring it to the 1000`s that have ordered it... That said I`ve put my order in anyway :)

An email like following will probably arrive instead of a boxset :(

Hello from

We have new information about your order and need to hear from
you before proceeding.

We have contacted the supplier and would
like to request your approval on the price of the following item:

Ridley Scott(Director), et al "Hannibal"

Please follow the link below to your personalized price
approval page on our web site. From here, you will have
the opportunity to approve the new price or to cancel the
item from your order.

Regards Boz

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 18:56

I know I heard about it from a forum, but did the fact that it was spread about so much mean noone will get it at the adverstised price? if so...this should have been obvious, and there was no point in spamming the forums with the news......probably. Oh well, will just have to wait and see.

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

assasin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 19:21

The only reason I posted it was because it was already at the #1 sales spot. No harm done here.

RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th July 2001, 22:07

Alan, I don`t think there was any spamming involved by Assassin - he was merely pointing out yet another online pricing blunder that, sadly, will probably not be honoured.

You know, and I know, that you have to chance your arm with these offers as sometimes they do pay off - eg Game`s £5.99 Road Trip.

95% of the time they fail miserably, which is unfortunate.

Thanks for the heads up Assassin - this is the stuff Bargains Forums are made of (says he, with his £60 Hewlett Packard 970CXI printer, courtesey of another bargain forum elsewhere on the net....)

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