Info and forum posts by 'bozman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 23rd July 2001, 13:18, Last used: Monday, 23rd July 2001, 13:18

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Spider-man Boxset From Play !!Customs Warning!!

Any update on customs charges for this as my finger is getting itchy to click "order" on lord of the rings collector`s edition :o)

RE: Usual Suspects SE cheaper yet!!

Do the Amazon 2 for £15.98 deal and use a refer a friend voucher = just over a fiver each :o)

Got myself Usual Suspects 2 disc, Rollerball SE, Thelma & Louise and Raging Bull 2 disc for approx £22!

RE: So what do you think of LOTR? Possible spoilers!

In reply to the original question - in a word AWESOME.

Not sure about the visual issues you`ve brought up - this is the best R1 print of a film I`ve ever seen out my 500+ dvds (though initial reports are Blade 2 could be better :o) )

Some of the interview footage is repeated in the extras but other than that a satisfying filler until the boxset is released in November.

RE: Cheap DVD`s

Any site offering dvds with specs round about the same as region 1 and advertises them as "Multi Region Encoding" are not genuine and a rip off - they sell them in Malaysia for less than £1.20 as mr. Shadwell will tell you ;o)

RE: Need help from horror/Argento fans.

While your there - if you don`t have it already, pick up the 3 disc LE of Suspiria - you won`t be disappointed!!

RE: Best Bargain Ever - Vote Now!!!

Well those of you who`ve been around since 1998 (and own an import dvd player since they were`nt out int he UK yet!) would have had the best bargains. There`s been so many in the past - the best off the top of my head being:

1998: Salo Criterion Collection £18

1999 -`s 50% off coupon. DVD prices already slashed by up to 40% off rrp. Add as much as you liked to your cart and add the 50% coupon on top!!!!! - got 15 DVDs for around £2 - £5 each - most expensive was the newly released Armaggedon Criterion which was £6.09p.

1999 -`s 50% coupon - same as checkout.coms promotion (both stores had just launched and made it available for a day in both cases the servers crashed with 1000`s people trying to take advantage within a few hours.) Again Die Hard boxset and various others were got for less than £5 each.

2000 - cdworld had stock of hundreds of OOP titles including Little Shop of horrors (with alternate ending) & all OOP criterions. Company disolved early last year.

All 3 companies above now no longer exist (wonder why after that :) )

Loads of promotional coupon companies such as firstlook - where you`d rate 20 films/music tracks a day and after 2 weeks you`d get a $20 coupon for Multiple accounts = $0000`s of stackable coupons. Most are now gone or exist only as information sites.

Various misprices e.g. The Insider for $0.00 - since happened many times but they now refuse to honour them. - excellent prices and loads of coupons - now info site.

Best bargain of 2002 -

James Bond complete 19 DVD collection - limited edition Tin (available for 4 weeks before xmas and then OOP`d) - picked up for £125 from xmas overstocks.

With dvds being so cheap now in the US/Canada the days of the early bargains are long gone. Amazon used to have $10 every week with all now titles at 40% off minimum. Oh how times have changed - I remember when movietyme first started and charged £25 minimum a disc - made a fortune, setup a website, customer service was excellent. Now their customer service is now non-existent and service declined to your lucky if you get anywhere with them unless you pre-order. Thank god the bloke down my local video shop opened my eyes to the ripoff uk re-sellers and into internet shopping early..

RE: Snow white and the seven dwarfs and free dvd

emailed Disney they will ship the free DVD with Snow White - excellent I`ll mine sent to friends in Detroit :)

RE: Snow white and the seven dwarfs and free dvd

Yep Amazon are doing the same deal even though its 25% off its still more expensive than disney.. - however if you read the terms - it says send back your amazon receipt and proof of purchase and certificate and you`ll get your free dvd - you can bet your life Amazon will only ship to the US (easy for them to get out of since the offer is only supposed to be open to US residents only) or they`ll charge you full shipping rates to the UK instead of the $1.99.

Also its cheaper to get it from Disney (if you can send it to someone in the US) and it sounds as though they`ll send your free DVD with Snow White (since your buying directly from them) + as a bonus you get the lithographs and pin...


RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi law,

Received games today - many thanks indeed!

Mailed you details for phenomena, Night of the Bloody Apes etc. - hope you got it alright...


RE: De Niro 5 disc boxset for $7.87 @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The chances of Amazon honouring it are slim... After the Jet Li boxset misprice last year they haven`t honoured any further misprices e.g. Cast Away, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hannibal etc. The De Niro Boxset suddenly went to no1 in the chart after the exposure on all the newsgroups/forums so I doubt they will be honouring it to the 1000`s that have ordered it... That said I`ve put my order in anyway :)

An email like following will probably arrive instead of a boxset :(

Hello from

We have new information about your order and need to hear from
you before proceeding.

We have contacted the supplier and would
like to request your approval on the price of the following item:

Ridley Scott(Director), et al "Hannibal"

Please follow the link below to your personalized price
approval page on our web site. From here, you will have
the opportunity to approve the new price or to cancel the
item from your order.

Regards Boz

RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi lawless,

I`m sure you won`t be disappointed with Premutos :)

Looking forward to Alone in the Dark - looks really good... Yeah I`m gonna have a proper go Max today as I haven`t had time to play for more than 20mins at a time...

Cool - I look forward to reading your list....

I have got the first faces of death dvd - I had no idea the second one was out yet! (just seen it on Amazon) - will be getting that one too... Nope don`t have Nekromantik - never seen it but I heard you either love it or hate it... Yep will be ordering Schramm next week along with Phenomena 2 disc set.....

Faust DVD has just shipped - can`t wait to see the latest Yuzna/Combs outing & it should arrive around the same day as From Beyond - a double dose of gory mayhem!

Time for a bit of Max Payne I think :)


RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi Law,

For future reference you can use this translator - its the only one I can find with Dutch on it: - for all those dutch dvds :) Yep I`m pretty sure they email you when the DVDs ship...

Just completed my home cinema setup at Christmas - only a 32" Sony Wega though :) - Your 43" TV sounds like it`s a beast! Suspiria Soundtrack should be amazing in 5.1 if Anchor Bay get its right...

max payne is great fun - recreating all thouse matrix moments with bullet time... any other good games on the horizon? - do you have alone in the dark 4?

I`m just in the middle of filtering out all the horror dvds from my list now... will send it to you this evening sometime...

You can get the spanish version of Premutos (great menus and special features + hour long documentary too - german lang. only though..) from: (in english) - shipping is expensive at £7...

or you can get it from where I got it from: for about £13 shipped (I think)

Otherwise the US release is out early 2002 with English dubbed... Have a look at the cover at dvdgo - it says it all really...

The info about the US disc + screenshots is here:

Many thanks again for the goodies :)


RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi lawless,

I`m sure you won`t have to wait long for Intruder - I`m sure I read that Image are releasing in the US before the end of the year... Their website is: but it seems to be down at the moment...

Those Hershell Gordon Lewis discs sound great - I`ll check them out asap..

Anchor Bay are releasing Bad Taste next year THX 5.1 the works - definately be gettign that one. I also have the canadian release & the same company`s Meet the Feebles..

If your interested in Premutos it`s being released in the US on dvd in the next couple of months with English subtitles. I can send you the site where you can get the Spanish disc cheap - although it has German language nly - not that you need it :) head explosions, gory shootings, disembowlements,chainsaws, zombies, tanks, vast weaponary are all included in this blood bath :)

Haven`t seen Deep River Savages myself - isn`t by umberto lenzi same as Ferox?

Nope haven`t got Nightmare concert yet - I`m deciding on wether to get German or US version - the german has an english soundtrack, the us doesn`t... The german version`s transfer is supposed to be stunning too (and PAL!). German Version is out now and the US Cat in the Brain is out in 2 weeks I think..

I can transfer anything you want to vhs too - I`ll finish off compiling my list and send it off to you asap!

I also have Italian Shocks Treasure Of The Amazon - haven`t seen it yet although i don`t think its in the same league as Ferox or Holocaust :)

Thankyou very much for Mothers Day & Max Payne - very kind of you!

There`s some great horror DVDs coming out in August in the US - MGM are releasing some great titles for $14.99 rrp each!

My From Beyond has just shipped so I`m looking forward to getting that next week along with Faust :)

Have you seen Zombi 2 is being released by Italian shock in August - I bet you can`t wait to get that one :) they`re doing the same as their New York Ripper disc and giving you the soundtrack too! That`ll mean I`ll have 3 versions of Zombie! and you can gaurantee Anchor Bay will release the ultimate THX, 5.1 DTS limited edition tin etc. next year with their re-release :)

Many thanks again for Max payne & Mother`s day! - just let me know if there is anything that you want in return...


RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi diydestruction,

I`d recommend checking out for reviews/news etc. of all the films that we`ve listed... As you can probably guess most discussion on Splatterhouse is to do with banned/uncut etc. films on DVD but they cover mainstream stuff too.

You be able to find out from the newsboards some good affordable suppliers no problem...

Not seen Hills Have Eyes its supposed to be a classic - as soon as it`s out on DVD I`ll get it!

Yeah Movietyme seem to have lowered their prices a fair bit recently - did you get a shipping confirmation from them when Ed Gein shipped? Also they carry a few of the import titles discussed - on their Digital Fixx site (there`s a link from the movietyme main page)...


RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi lawless,

Ah Max Payne - I`ve been waiting for that to come out - I wouldn`t mind that myself! Unfortunately I don`t have a fast enough connection to use ftp sites anymore (used to a couple of years back on a T1, now I`m just using my 56K modem :) ). I also have a lot of horror oriented games too!

I`ve added Schramm to my to get list!

No problem about the sites - If you are looking for anything in particular just drop me an email (zob_nam[at]moc.liamtoh - I don`t think dvdreviewer give you poster`s email addresses for some reason) and I`ll see if I know anywhere cheaper.

If you haven`t already paid for the Smuggler, again drop me and email and I can point you in the direction of where to get it for less than a tenner :)

Yep sure send me your list I`ll look forward to reading it..(I need to brush a up mine a bit too and I`ll send it to you if you like)

Mother`s Day is also on my list - I must get it one of these days...

You don`t happen to know where i can get John Carpenter`s They Live from still as its just gone out of print :( ...

Yeah I`ve got the Burning on video from - they`ve released the uncut version and haven`t realised yet! - haven`t watched it as my NTSC-PAL converter doesn`t work with my VCR...

Yeah I like Fulci too - Can`t decide between the US or German version of Nightmare Concert as the German one is PAL widescreen with an amazing transfer (so I`m told) and has english soundtrack whereas the US is Italian language only with eng. subtitles.......

I have most of the Cannibal films - Holocaust is an absolute classic, Ferox isn`t bad but I prefer Holocaust - The EC disc is great. Also have Eaten Alive, Amazonia, Mountain Of The Cannibal God, Cannibal Man & Deep River Savages.

I have a few Argentos - Deep Red, Inferno, Nonhosonno, Tenebrae, Stendahl Syndrome. Also have suspiria on video - soon to be upgraded to Anchor Bays limited edition :). Thought Suspiria was great - Tenebrae not as good as I`d read and I haven`t watched the others yet!

I`ve got hershell gordon lewis`s Blood Feast - what are wiard of gore etc. like? - I`ve never seen them..

I like a good absolutely ridiculous gore film - Have you got Premutos? I would presume you`ve got either the uncut spanish or german version of Braindead :)

Look forward to hearing from you soon...

RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi diydestruction,

Yeah I wouldn`t mind seing the Ed Gein movie - although it hasn`t had too good reviews... It looked good when channel 4 previewed it last year so I`ll probably track down the DVD sooner or later..



RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Hi law,

sorry for late response...

The PAL runtime for the DVD of Intruder is 85mins..

Im quite interested in Schramm - never seen it - would you recommend it as a film?

I need to cut down on buying these DVDs - I have a backlog of 15 -20.. but there`s so many decent discs coming out..... must resist ... must cut back.. :)

If you can get hold of the PAL Dead Next Door - youll be in for a treat as it has a JR Brookwater commentry track, about 15 trailers, a couple of making of documentaries and a s***load more extras (over an hour!). It puts the canadian - movie only version to shame...

I like a good Zombie film - I`ve got the 3 versions of Dawn of the Dead availbale - Diectors Cut, Theatrical cut and the Dutch double disc set.... Tempted by the digitally remastered Danish set but I think I`ll wait for Anchor bays definitive release next year.....

You shouldn`t be paying £30 for US discs (or european for that matter) - unless they come wrapped in gold! If you`ve got a visa card use,, etc. and you`ll get them for £12 -20 max.

European discs are a bit more difficult to get and I normally pay around £12 - 22 (unless exceptional circumstances e.g. Intruder) direct from the country of origin - EC Discs are fairly difficult to get cheaply, Itlaian Shock, Japan Shock stuff are fairly reasonable and easily obtainable. UK importers usually take what they think they can get so you`ll be looking around £25+ a time since they`re "taking the importation risk" blah blah...

SGM have first class service although they are fairly pricey once you`ve added shipping. No customs trouble at all - I`ve ordered from them twice and I got my discs within a couple of weeks - dispatched from Germany and marked as gifts...

I`d ask your supplier to price match or sounds as though you should make him one customer less...

In fact I`ve only ever had 2 packages opened by customs - 1 was straw dogs and the other contianed Nightmare City & The Smuggler. Both times the DVDs were sent on within 2 weeks (although they did open and watch Straw Dogs).. The BBFC are so leniant compared to 3 years ago I don`t think customs will often confiscate DVDs aside from stuff like the guts series, guinea pig and anything with cannibal in the title :)

I find DC-DVD expensive and only bought from them once a few years ago before I decided to shop around a bit - as long as you keep altavista babel fish handy you should be ok with the foreign sites :)

Not yet used futureent - their prices a very reasonable for a UK supplier... Might get the new Die Hard set from them...

Yep I have Dead and Buried too - great film - not so good transfer... Best release Dragon has probably done is Woodoo much better transfer than Anchor Bays Zombie and good extras too..

You`ll have let me know about DIVX - not looked into it very closely and don`t really know much about it - isn`t it to do with DVD ripping to high quality VCD? I remember a mate of mine ripped a DVD to hard drive to VCD and it took something like 16 hours! - I bet its a lot faster now though...

What sort of horror films do you like (slashers/gore/thrillers/Italian etc) and which Directors?

I could talk about horror dvds all day too - I`ll look out for your next post!

RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Yeah 100 test pressings of Intruder were made due to be destroyed. There was only 1 place on the net you get it and they probably wouldn`t appreciate me giving away their website address (for obvious reasons). If "sgm" means anything to you you`ll know where I`m talking about. It cost me £35. Unfortunately I`ve heard that it is very slightly cut although I can`t confirm this. Its supposed to be released in the US towards the end of this year by Image Entertainment (I think!)...

I`ve yet to see much of the Japanese Horror stuff e.g. the guts series etc. although i do have Men Behind The Sun which is a good disc, Bunman: The Untold Story (nasty) & Story Of Riki...

I have most of the fulci discs too (aside from the very new releases e.g. Manhattan Baby ).

Have a few Argento films too - which reminds me I need to watch Nonhosonno - I`ve yet to make my mind up about the Phenomena 2 disc set though - I`ve only seen disappointing reviews...

I`ve Got Rabid Dogs on Video (from the DVD) but have yet to watch it - its supposed to be similar to Last House On The Left (Which I have on DVD both French & Dutch versions :) )....

:) - I`ve got Death Night too....

You`ll have to let me know what Basket Case is like - I have the original release (I presume your getting the new special edition)

I`ve got Faust (new Yuzna, Jeffery Combs outing), Wicker Man limited Edition and From Beyond on the way this week...

I get my US discs from the usual stores dvdboxoffice, amazon etc. For european discs I try to get them from online stores in the country of origin as much as possible mainly because its sooo much cheaper than buying them from dealers within the UK (who add a few £`s for the privilege). If your looking for anything in particular then email me and I`ll see if I know where you can get it from a reputable online retailer directly rather than a third party supplier.

RE: Any Horror Fans Here

Yep I`m a keen horror fan,

I have most rare import DVDs e.g. EC Entertainment, Dragon, Salo criterion, Intruder (night of the Intruder) - only 100 made, Zombie (signed by Ian McCulloch), Stendahl Syndrome (1st & uncut pressing of the UK disc - subsequently withdrawn), Little Shop Of Horrors first pressing (with alternate ending), all anchor bay limited editions e.g. Halloween, army of darkness etc. The hardest to get hold of was the German Dead Next Door PAL special edition (not the barebones canadian release) which has over an hour of extras & director`s commentary track! Also the American version of the mail in 5th Alien disc was difficult to get as well...

Rabid Dogs still eludes me though.....