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Bargain Buckets Forum

cheap dvds at global video

shakerman (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 10:24

they`re ex-rental but in superb condition. you can take them back within 28 days if not. I got Charlies Angels, X-Men & The Insider for £10 each.

RE: cheap dvds at global video

deano59 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 11:34

Hey shakerman - thanks for the tip sounds good to me - can you give me their online address.



RE: cheap dvds at global video

shakerman (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 14:01

the offer isn`t available online. title availability is down to the local store.

RE: cheap dvds at global video

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 15:01

they also have for a tenner: snatch, shaft, stuart little and the bone collector. bizarrely theyre selling the blair witch 2 (rental version) for £20!!!
cheeky bastards...

RE: cheap dvds at global video

Globefm (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th June 2001, 08:43

but here is the address if u need to find out n e thing

also there`s a rumour going around that they are closing quiet a few stores soon(july)

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th June 2001, 07:16

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