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Bargain Buckets Forum

HMV Online

Cloughie (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 24th June 2001, 18:08

Just wanted to know what the `ws` stands for on the hmv site. I know it means wide screen. But does it mean that it is only for wide screen, or can it be played on normal screen aswell as wide screen.

RE: HMV Online

STUDMANGAV (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th June 2001, 23:45

Oh dear. Surely you have seen a widescreen picture on a normal T.V.?
Figure it out.

RE: HMV Online

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 00:01

You can play the movie on a standard 4x3 aspect ratio tv, however the picture will appear smaller than normal and you will see black lines at the top and bottom of the screen.
After a while you will get to like the widescreen picture on a std. tv.
I am waiting for my tv to blow up so I can persuade the better half to buy a widescreen tv!
Widescreen, is how the director intended you to view the presentation. there are various aspect ratios available each one will give varing amounts of black on a std. tv.

RE: HMV Online

McBain (Competent) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 08:45

What has this got to do with Bargain Buckets??

RE: HMV Online

Cloughie (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 11:56

Just wanted help, no need to be like that!!!!

RE: HMV Online

Giz (Competent) posted this on Monday, 25th June 2001, 12:23

How exactly does taking the p*** out of someone help? Don`t slag people off just because they know less than you. We all have to start somewhere.......

In answer to the question - yes, you can watch widescreen film on a 4:3 telly and you`ll get black bars along the top and bottom of the picture. This means that unless you`ve got a large TV the picture is going to be pretty small. Films can be filmed in different aspect ratio`s and some are `wider` than a widescreen tv (16:9) so even with a widescreen tele some films will still have (much smaller) black bars at the top and bottom. You normally get a whole host of modes on a widescreen TV to pull and stretch the picture about so no matter what the aspect ratio you can either watch it at the correct aspect ratio with bars or get it to fill the screen.

RE: HMV Online

FuzzyBoy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 00:16

Well said Nathan…

…time and time again I read replies to threads where people think it’s clever to poke fun at other contributors because they may ask questions which (to some) have obvious answers – to those people I say this: remember, if everyone knew everything about everything there would be no need for forums in the first place.
Another thing that gets my goat is those nitpickers who highlight grammatical and spelling errors made by previous contributors and then make a point of correcting them.
Go on then….

RE: HMV Online

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 00:28

I agree that this is not a Bargain Bucket, but this is probably the most read section of the site!
Will the HMV Sale start at Midnight on the 27th?
I want the X Files!
Come on Clayts! "this thread is now closed!"

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 00:31

RE: HMV Online

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 00:38

You want the X-Files ???

I`m paying a small child £1 a day to reserve a place for me outside the shop ! He`s been there 10 days already. I feed him scraps of bread that the pigeons leave behind, and rain water. He seems quite happy. He has a piece of string....

Wonder if it`ll be online, too ?

To be honest this thread was in the wrong place, but when it gets this far down the line, with an insane moderator rambling on, it`s beyond redemption, I think.

And well said that man - we were all newbies once, you know. Snide comments don`t help anyone. Well, except me, because I can strap on me jackboots...

Thread not closed - suspect it`ll hot up again when the sale starts in 48 hours.

RE: HMV Online

McBain (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 08:39

Whoops... I didn`t mean to sound nasty..... I`m sorry, I had a bad day yesterday :-)

but I wouldn`t exactly call it taking the p***......

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th June 2001, 08:40

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