Page 1 of Roswell, Dark Angel, Millennium, Firefly, Dune Box Sets £15

Bargain Buckets Forum

Roswell, Dark Angel, Millennium, Firefly, Dune Box Sets £15

Zetor (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 19:22

Roswell, Dark Angel, Millennium, Firefly, Dune, Planet of the Apes, Harsh Realm box sets at Choices Direct are all £15 each, good price me thinks, check the speical offers


RE: Roswell, Dark Angel, Millennium, Firefly, Dune Box Sets £15

Gibsie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 23:07

Well I bought Firefly for the same price as standard from last week, although you can get it for £13 elsewhere (check kelkoo), but you have to pay P & P. Good general offer though!

RE: Roswell, Dark Angel, Millennium, Firefly, Dune Box Sets £15

darreno (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th April 2005, 14:10

firefly - 12.99 from sendit .com

Dark Angel annoys me - neither R1 nor R2 releases are "perfect"

Richard Lloyd (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th April 2005, 18:36

I`d have bought Dark Angel ages ago if either the Region 1 sets were widescreen (incredibly, they`re not - James Cameron claims he prefers 4:3 for progs made for TV...and yet they`re shot in widescreen and appear on the Region 2 sets in widescreen, so that`s his theory shot down in burning flames) or if the Region 2 sets actually had any decent extras (gone are all the Region 1 goodies like the multi-episode audio commentaries, the blooper reel, multiple making-of documentaries and audition recordings).

Still 15 quid is a very good price for a 6-disc set, even if there`s very few extras in it, so I could be tempted...

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