Page 1 of Website Hosting (RM - please read)

Bargain Buckets Forum

Website Hosting (RM - please read)

doublegandt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th April 2005, 11:02

**** Not a `True` bargain in the sense that the price is not reduced from a previous price - but can Mods please not remove it until RM has read it - and anyone else needing good, cheap web hosting - Ta ****

Just been reading (as I always do) RM's latest bargain re Play discounts.

In one of his posts he mentions he doesn't have MySql, scripting or PHP on his hosting service and is looking to change.

Well, I have looked after a website for a youth group for a number of years. Went through the free hosting (with pop up ads of course) and eventually started paying for hosting 4 years ago. Two years ago I changed to a new company because the old one increased their prices by over 100%.

To cut a long story short (too late!!!) I use AKA Redback Internet Services. I must say their service is excellent -- the price unbelievable -- and the spec of even the most basic package (at £19.99 a year) is more than what I use on my site. You have to include the cost of a domain name - but they can provide this if you want. To be honest - when I first tried them I did not expect a lot for £20 per year, happily I was proved wrong.

I have recommended them to 3 other people (one of them a manufacturing company) and all of them are happy with the service.

Redback Internet used to be based in Bradford but in April 2004 it was sold and all support calls (on an 0800 number!) are dealt with an foreign call centre - but I must say in the two times I have needed support in the last year - them came through with flying colours. The actual servers are all located in the USA.

RM - have a look.

No I don't get anything for the recommendation - just a very happy customer.

See what they offer here -

If you are REALLY bored check out the website I maintain - it gives an idea of the speed of the servers - Northwich Air Cadets

I say barkeep, put a little more ice in there will you, there's a good chap

This item was edited on Friday, 8th April 2005, 12:12

RE: Website Hosting (RM - please read)

drb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th April 2005, 11:48

The bandwidth looks at little restrictive to me. I cant find detail on this site as to how much they charge if you run out of bandwidth.... but I suspect this might be how they are making their money.

Bear in mind that you can get FREE web hosting and virtually unlimited bandwidth from the likes of Atspace and Bizhat.

I suppose it depends on what you are using the website for. Free hosting will never be as reliable as paid for hosting.

RE: Website Hosting (RM - please read)

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th April 2005, 11:54

Get rid of those stupid bloody helicopters that follow your cursor around!! I went to have a look at your site but clicked straight off when they appeared. Thet are soooooooo annoying....

IMHO, of course



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: Website Hosting (RM - please read)

doublegandt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th April 2005, 12:37

I have never run out of bandwidth. It is a once-per-year invoice which I pay by cheque - so they have no means of charging me if I did. My site gets a large number of hits - not as much as this site though :) but bandwidth has never been a problem. Just pay for a higher package if that is an issue. £20 per year gives 1GB per month, £60 per year gives 30GB per month - what sort of site needs 30GB per month!!!! Don`t answer that ;)

EDIT. The Q&A Says this:
Q. How much is extra bandwidth and space?
A. If you need more bandwidth or disk space e-mail us to upgrade you to a higher plan. If you need more bandwidth or space than our highest plan offers please email selas[at]moc.ku.gnitsohbew for a custom plan.

The FREE hosting you mention (there are loads of them) do not include MySql, PHP etc - add them and they charge and/or then start to restrict bandwidth.

PS. Whats the problem with helicopters - I think they are cool ;)

I say barkeep, put a little more ice in there will you, theres a good chap

This item was edited on Friday, 8th April 2005, 15:51

RE: Website Hosting (RM - please read)

random username (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th April 2005, 22:26

My host ( does less space (50mb) but the same bandwidth for £9.99 a year, or 250mb of space with 2gb bandwidth for £24.99 a year. You get mysql (5 databases) and php and so on.

RE: Website Hosting (RM - please read)

tomS (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th April 2005, 10:31

I just found ANOTHER advantage of firefox! No more annoying things that follow your mouse!

Bur I can`t add a ;-) smiley to this post as these forums don`t work properly with firefox. Please fix!

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