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Bargain Buckets Forum

Free DVD from screenselect

plated (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 01:36

Just nabbed this from the freebies blog, Screen Select are offering a free DVD for everyone who signs up to their free trial.

DVDs on offer are:

About A Boy
Bridget Jones`s Diary
Bend it like Beckham
Bad Boys

full details over at

RE: Free DVD from screenselect

Little Davel (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 09:41

Signed up for the Sunday Times month sub but they charge after your fourth dvd although they nag you to put ten titles on your favourites list....everything happened so quickly you can hardly keep track and so get charged ! Still waiting for my free Time Machine dvd ! :¦

RE: Free DVD from screenselect

Beenie Meanie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 12:33


I just have to say they are brilliant! :D I signed up with them in a similar offer and chose my free DVD, and I thought it would take at least a month to arrive, but it only took 2 days!-the free dvd arrived before the rentals! Also I did actually get my top choice films, and when I cancelled they did not charge my account...unlike Lovefilm! :¦

RE: Free DVD from screenselect

davidbrent (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 16:03

I`d just throw this out in the open as I am unsure whether this happened to just me. I joined Lovefilm in October for a free trial. I cancelled before they charged. They were very good. But, then out of the blue 3 weeks ago I received 3 DVDs from them. I couldn`t understand it. I checked my account (which hadn`t been used for almost 4 months!) and the 3 DVDs I received were the 3 from the top of my list. My first port of call was to check my payment date... it said November 2004. At this point, I just thought wow Love Film must be trying to entice me back. I watched the DVDs and then returned them. more DVDs. I thought to myself that was some short trial :/ . And, now they are emailing me asking for £14.99. :o

I am unsure what to do in this situation. I`ll be honest, I am happy to ignore them because the debit card I used originally has now expired :D. (It was so funny in their last email they were pleading for me to find out what was wrong.). I like to think of myself as honest and upstanding (please don`t ask my family!) but have I done something wrong, am I committing wrong? I know I should contact them but when I use the reply button a message comes back saying the address is invalid, I have to go through their website. Frankly, I don`t want to. Their mistake, they can come knocking on my door. Right?

I know this is a bit of a strange message (and maybe it is because I am feeling poorly) but I just want to throw this moral dilemma out there and ask for advice. Is it okay to ignore them? I don`t mind if they phone me but I have no intention of ME chasing THEM up. Does this make sense?

Thanks for listening.

RE: Free DVD from screenselect

KitKatKing (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 16:13

It sounds as if the goods were send to you `unsolicited`. If this is the case then you have already done more than is required of you. Any unsolicited goods received by post need to be collected at the senders expense, if they have not done so after a reasonable amount of time the goods would become yours. If they make a formal request for money (by post) then you will need to reply to them stating your position and that these goods were neither requested nor required. You can find some pre-written letters dealing with situations like this on the `which` website amongst others.

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