Page 1 of (16/03 @ 6pm) Boots have RESTOCKED: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

Bargain Buckets Forum

(16/03 @ 6pm) Boots have RESTOCKED: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 14:07

Update (16/03/2005 @ 6pm): Boots have RESTOCKED - 150 40GB photo iPods & 125 blue iPod Minis as of 5pm today


Boots may have just finished their triple points bonanza but the bargains still keep coming. They have now issued a 20% off discount code (STFT98 ) that customers can use only once for any purchase over £40. This code is rumoured to be valid throughout March but I have not been able to confirm this yet.

Using this code, and taking into account the value of the advantage card points awarded with each purchase (effectively worth another 4% towards the cost of a future Boots purchase instore) you can get your hands on some very tasty bargains.


Boots have just today restocked with some more blue iPod Minis and 40GB photo iPods which they are offering at only £124.99 & £269.99 respectively (down from £179.99 & £359.99 respectively).

Using the 20% off discount code mentioned above, you can buy the iPod Mini for only £99.99 with £4.99 worth of advantage card points awarded and the 40GB photo iPod for only £215.99 with £10.80 worth of advantage card points awarded. The advantage card points can be used on any future instore purchase at Boots.

As the retail price of iPods is tightly controlled by Apple, these are likely to be the lowest price iPods that you are likely to see for some time. In particular, at £99.99, the iPod Mini is far better value than the new iPod Minis retailing at £139.99, the only difference being that the battery life is longer in the new model. Also, as an added bonus, the 40GB photo iPod comes with a dock, remote and case which are accessories that are now considered to be optional extras with the new 30GB & 60GB models just released so this really is a superb bargain.

They currently have in excess of 100 blue iPod Minis and only 40 40GB photo iPods as of 2pm today. You`d better act quickly though, as both these items will sell out in double quick time when word gets around the internet.

Blue Mini Ipod:

40GB photo Ipod:

If you`re happy to use them,
I also have affiliate links for these products on my website

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 18:26

RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 14:33

20% off code not working

RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 14:51

(1) Smilies ate the final "8" of the code - now fixed.
(2) Code is only valid on purchases under £300
(3) If it STILL doesn`t work, then try clearing your cookies before revisiting the Boots site.


RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

England`s Messiah (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 15:14

RM, you are my king. I bow to you.

RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 16:10

Hey! steady on there, lad! ;)


This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 16:11

RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 17:05

You have to be logged in to validate the code which then isn`t do get 499 points though...and Reesit`s 10% codes that makes the Mini £112.49 with £4.99 towards future purchases...

Used your affiliate link - many thanks.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 17:34

RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 18:20

My`ll need to actually set up a new account I guess. Afterall, it is a "first purchase" code.

Not sure if just changing the login & email address with the new account is sufficient though as they *may* note the use of the same credit card and disallow it on that basis alone. If I have the time, I might undertake a wee experiment (I`m not a first time purchaser either).


RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

butters (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 22:10

Hi, don`t wanna be a killjoy but does anyone have any further technical info, its just that from the picture Boots supply it looks like its the 1st Gen iPod Mini`s which only have 8hrs playing time.

You`d be better off paying the extra £40 and goin for the new 18hr ones direct from apple, if you wait tho the price will come down further, the release of the 6Gb iPod Mini pushed the price down and when the Photo iPod Mini comes out (they are developing now) the price of the 18hr 4Gb iPod (and shuffles) will plummit, so worth waiting around for,


RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 22:38

Yes - it is a 1st gen iPod.


RE: BA: iPods back in stock @ Boots: blue Mini for £95, 40GB photo for £205

julianf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 08:27

For an extra £40...

For an effective price of £107.50 I`m not complaining :D


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