Page 1 of U-571

Bargain Buckets Forum


steve1604 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 09:42

where can i find the cheapest U-571 any region will do


RE: U-571

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 10:04

i believe have it for 9.99 plus £1 p+p for any amount of dvds.
You should have gotten it from comet when they were doing 3 for 25.
titles my mate got were final destination, U571 and frequency.
I didnt bother as i already had FD and frequency and didnt reallly want u571

RE: U-571

steve1604 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 10:36


i tried all the comet stores in the newcastle area and the selections available for the 3 for 25 were s***e, also no dvd software available for sale on their website

RE: U-571

Mark Field (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 18:55

Are you all yanks? Surely any self-respecting Brit hasn`t seen this on principle, let alone buy it!

And don`t get me started on The Patriot...

RE: U-571

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 22:57

If anyone mentions `U571- the film` to me in polite conversation, my eyes bulge and I foam at the mouth.

Cue : a lengthy diatribe from my good self on why Hollywood try to rewrite history for the sake of a few bucks, etc, etc.

My mates now say `U571` to me on purpose and watch me explode ;-)

With you all the way on this one, Mark. Completely undermines the very honourable memories that we should all have of the brave Brits who were involved in the Real Life Story.

My mates reliably inform me the effects in the film are great. Who cares - if it`s historically flawed, I don`t wanna know.

Anyway, back to watching `Bambi` - cos that`s real, innit ?! LOL

RE: U-571

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th May 2001, 23:40

Gosh! Nobody claimed it was a true story!

The dvd extras tell the true story about how it was us brits who captured the actual Enimga machine!

RE: U-571

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 01:37

I think I`ve just cracked your code there Unbreakable -

`Enimga`............hmm, this may take me a while. Ah, got it...`Enigma` - am I right ?

Code-cracking, schmode-cracking.

Mr Pedantic-Clayts fforbes-Grobisher-Smythe ;-))))

RE: U-571

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th May 2001, 02:57




RE: U-571

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 31st May 2001, 16:10

I used to froth at the mouth at the mention of this film too.
When I watched it I thought it was okay for a piece of fiction, besides there is a kind of disclaimer at the end of the film along the lines of `Oh okay was the magnificent Brits really`.
Anyhow, as far as I`m concerned, America have provided me with the Simpsons, Winona Ryder and the Red Hot Chili Peppers so I`m more than willing to let them have a bit of our history in return!!

RE: U-571

Ajax2000 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st May 2001, 16:18

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