Page 1 of Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

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Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

KDH (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th December 2004, 17:40

Being advertised in the press and TV at £119 (half price- was £238.99)

Item no. 007681 on

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 16th December 2004, 19:47

And each store has about 5 billion in stock....

but they are going fast :)

Can`t say 100% as I don`t know the other units, but I`d lay a pound to a penny it`s a rebadged Lite On

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

sp4rky (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 17th December 2004, 14:17

Is there a hack out there for this player???

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th December 2004, 15:10

I could have bought this load of cack for £99.00 last week, no chance, not at that price. Maybe at £20.00 I might think about it.

If you want it for £99.00 I bet they are about that price in the sales.

Oh as for so called half price. LOL

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 17th December 2004, 18:27

I could have bought this load of cack for £99.00 last week

Where? DSG were all selling them for £199, unless you mean by going via Reestit`s code to the web, then the 5% from Egg cashback?

For £120 Paull, it`s actually a decent enough machine. And I wouldn`t bet they`re £99 in any sales.
They might be, but then again, there just might not be any stock left!
I agree the chances are the £199 was a "price establishment", but that`s not the fault of the Retailer, that`s UK law for you.

And, still, at £120, it`s a good buy for someone`s first step into DVDR and replacing the video.

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th December 2004, 18:40

I know you work for them Jimbo, but why do you always feel you have to defend them. I won`t defend my firm when I know they`re in the wrong (rip off bus fares etc).

I agree the chances are the £199 was a "price establishment", but that`s not the fault of the Retailer, that`s UK law for you.

It`s ONLY the fault of the retailer, no-one else, just so they can make out they`re giving the customer a good deal, instead of being `upfront`.

They advertise at an inflated price so they can later say it had been sold for at least 30 consecutive days in the last 6 months to cover their backs when they later reduce it.

Then they advertise it at the `real` price (how many did they sell at the inflated price, not many I`ll bet), where they can say WAS: £199, NOW ONLY £120...and they`re covered cos they complied.

Why can`t they just be upfront, and sell it for £120 in the first place, instead of trying to mislead people into thinking they`ve got a good deal?

They don`t have to resort to those`s only THEIR choice, no-one makes them do it, it probably loses them custom too. Not wanting to start an argument cos you sound like a nice guy, but sometimes (a lot of the time), criticism of DSG is`re just the exception to the rule. :D :)

Mark. :)

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th December 2004, 18:45

Actually Jimbo I agree with you. When I purchased my "PANASONIC 42" VIERA PLASMA TV" up came the option of a DVD recorder worth £249.99 at £99.00. Now Panasonic were doing a package so I assumed it was this so I clicked on it, to my horror it came up Matsui DVD Recorder. No way, absolutly no way was I buying that so off it jollywell came. However at the price It probably will be usefull to DVD recorder beginners. I still recon` it`ll be doon to £99.00 in the sales.

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 17th December 2004, 22:06

Yeah, but you were actually lucky it wasn`t the Grundig DVDR at £249 for £149 :)
( sure it wasn`t??)

I won`t defend any Retailer, including DSG when they`re totally wrong Paull,but will when they`re getting a "dig" for doing nowt wrong.

I believe the high price/drop the price/claim the saving is the "law of free enterprise" and came in around Thatcher`s time. Don`t agree with it meself, but it`s there for them to use.

And you`d be surprised how many pay the higher price ;)
Some of us though, when we see a major drop within the 7 day price promise area, let customers know they can take advantage of it....but TBH, the situation is few and far between.
(and there`s another good reason for all you "what you want my phone number for?? I`m not giving you it" people ;) )

It might come down, but I think it`ll be out of stock, we were throwing them out the door yesterday.

Thing about situations like this is that for £130, it *is* an ideal VCR replacement for those getting itchy over VHS and dodgy VCR`s, and most buyers are not web-proficient....and for the older peeps who are technophobic, these are a doddle.

Haven`t been able to confirm which Liteon though, and can`t say if it`s the mono tuner one.
Anyone able to gimme anything concrete to check the hardware with, especially if it aint powered/set up?

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

KDH (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 18th December 2004, 11:39

The price history of the Matsui machine was £179 when it first appeared on in mid October -it then was increased to £238.99 at the beginning of Nov and the subsequently reduced to half price £119 on Thursday

None of the price laws have been broken.

I would confidently expect to see the Ferguson FDVR1 DVD Recorder currently at £299 in Currys to go half price soon too

RE: Matsui DVD Recorder £119 Currys

KDH (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 18th December 2004, 11:44

As for the LIteON LVW5001 in Currys.............
the 4kus DVR-230 (a rebadged LiteON LVW5002/iLO DVDR04)in Asda is a better buy at £139.67-has a NICAM tuner with 2 RGB scarts

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