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Couple of promotions at Game

Sandy Matthews (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th May 2004, 22:47

Couple of interesting promotions at Game..

first is that if you trade in any 4 games from PS2, XBox, GameCube or GBA (any combination), you can buy any game up to £39.99 for just 99p. Given that my Dixons is right across the road, and have some (admittedly crap) games for a fiver, you can effectively get any chart game for £ per person.

Other one`s maybe not such a bargain. Some games are marked as 2 for £50 on the website. These include a few titles at £19.99 - buy two of them, and you get the priviledge of paying an extra £10.02! :D


RE: Couple of promotions at Game

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th May 2004, 23:43

So if I got four old PS2 games:

Sky Oddessey
F1 2001
Crazi Taxi

I could effectively give these to the cashier and a pound, buy an eyetoy and say keep the change?

Is that the time? Give me a minute and I will be there when I finish on the comp!

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

DavoTheMainMan (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 06:32

Even better.

Go into game, pop over to their pre-owned games bin, select four games for £4.97.

Take them to the cashier and say you want to buy them, but when they start searching through their drawers for the disks, tell them not to worry as you will trade them in.

This means superquick service.

Then pay them for the games and then take up the 99p deal.

They cannot say they are not good enough quality otherwise you could just return them.

So you get you bargain game and don`t even have to walk over to Dixons :-)

If only everything was half price at Woolies !

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

pointsofview (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 14:53

The deal ends today...

It`s only a point of view...

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 17:29

Where does it say it ends today ?
From terms and conditions

Promotion starts Friday 28th May for a limited period only.

Plus the deal is called `1/2 Term Madness` - 1/2 Term lasts all week - I`ve got the kids here to prove it ;)

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

DavoTheMainMan (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 18:34

Tested the deal today, sort of to my previous post.

We have two Game stores here.

Went into one, and bought four pre-owned games at £4.97.

Then 2 minutes along the road, went into the other Game store and bought Pokemon Colosseum for Gamecube. Expected no problems, but the manager said that the games I was trading (which were a mix of GC and XBox) all had to be of the same format of the one I was buying (eg. all GCube).

I said, OK, I will just buy some more Pre-owned from your own store, and get a refund on the one`s I had bought. She looked a bit shocked.

Anyway, just before doing this, I looked at the leafet on the counter. Nowhere does it say that they have to be the same platform as what you are buyng, it just says good working condition. So I challenged her. She read through her printouts of the terms and said whe was correct, but seeing as the leaflet said nothing to this effect, she would honour it.

So I handed over my 99p.

In conclusion, just a word of warning, check when the offer ends, and if you are planning on buying four pre-owned games like me, then maybe you should buy all the same format as the title you intend to buy.

Thanks to the original poster though, as I managed to get Pokemon Colosseum for under £21.00.

If only everything was half price at Woolies !

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 18:38

they dont have to be off the same formatt. its just any 4 games.

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

DavoTheMainMan (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 18:45

Yeah, I know they don`t and if she hadn`t backed down I would have insisted.

BUT - even whilst I was there, the other assistant took a telephone enquiry about the deal and he said exactly the same - all same format and the same as what you are buying.

So, just in case you are buying to trade, might be an extra bit of insurance against hassle.

If only everything was half price at Woolies !

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 19:08

Full Terms and Conditions on the deal here

where it clearly states

Q: Do I have to trade-in 4 titles of the same format?
A: You can trade-in any 4 games across any of the 4 console formats (for example: 2 PS2 games, 1 Xbox and 1 GBA SP game).

If you are going to try this at Game , print off a copy and take it with you.

RE: Couple of promotions at Game

Sandy Matthews (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st May 2004, 19:15

Checked in my local Game today, they say the promotion is "supposed" to finish today, so may be out of luck. Shame, I just bought some real cr4p from eBay for a couple of quid each....still, got Ninja Gaiden for £0.99, so no complaints


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