Page 1 of Went shopping today for bargins

Bargain Buckets Forum

Went shopping today for bargins

himmelblau (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 01:59

First went to PC World: Buy two get one free, most DVD covers had no price labels and when I asked for them to be checked, they all came up as £19.99.

I did manage to get Men in Black with a sticker showing £15.49. But it scanned as £19.99 asked if their top ten was in on the special and was told yes. Got M I 2 for £15.49, Stuart Little for £15.49 and the girl put M I B through as the free DVD.

Next went to Tesco`s. First Display I saw, offered two DVD`s for £25 normal price £14.98 for one. Quite a good selection, when you consider that The Bone Collector, Blue Streak, Twister, The Mummy etc were among those on offer I thoght this was not that bad.

All Tesco`s top 1 to 35 DVD`s were priced at £16.99. Though did not see Braveheart SE until I was in another branch. Price was £19.99. I was able to buy Das Boot (the Directors Cut) and Apollo 13 on the two for £25 at this store

Blockbuster`s price for Braveheart SE is £22.99 and they are also doing a two for £25

RE: Went shopping today for bargins

_007 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 14:59

I think that DVD prices are slowly starting to fall!


RE: Went shopping today for bargins

Le Borne (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 15:17


Hope this helps!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 15:18

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