Page 1 of Canon Powershot A80 4MP, £290. Pre-order

Bargain Buckets Forum

Canon Powershot A80 4MP, £290. Pre-order

The funker (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th September 2003, 15:28

The update to the A70, adds an extra megapixel and a quality, swivelling LCD screen . It`s not out till october, but you can preorder here

Direct link

Great price for this

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th September 2003, 16:28

RE: Canon Powershot A80 4MP, £290. Pre-order

Paull (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th September 2003, 07:40

I`ve been loking for a new digital camer & shot to the page you gave but is this not a better buy. Pentax optio 450 or 550. Both under £399-00 but one 5 mega Pix the other 4 Mega Pix BUT both have 5 times OPTICAL zoom with 4X digital, AND they fit in a pocket. Be interested in your comments.

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