Page 1 of Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

Bargain Buckets Forum

Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

6(SIC)6 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 19:51

Just stumbled across this little gem from choices direct a bargain with free delivery

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 19:52

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 21:13

Cheers, I bought also the last boy scout, not bad for the 2 just over £10, thanks again


RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

elaurens (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th February 2003, 07:20

I`ve just tried the link and Heat is showing as £11.04

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

tommyd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 13th February 2003, 10:13

Yep it shows £11.04!

I guess we missed it

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 00:48

Just had an email telling me that Heat delivery has been delayed!!! Wonder why... Probably a few people have ordered it at the cheap price and now they don`t have enough disk to send


RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

robiwill (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 09:37

I ordered Heat too. I have yet to recieve the delay email. However I know from a past misprice they had (purple rain & risky business @ £3.79 each) they do honor these and the disk(s) will arrive. I didnt post aboout risky Business or purple rain becasue as soon as I ordered them the price went back up to £6 each. They are very fast at spotting their miss prices.

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

6(SIC)6 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 11:50

I have also had an email telling me delayed delivery

dont mind waiting for that price

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 16:54

Just had an email to tell me that both my film have been despatched, Top company if you ask me, they really keep you informed.

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

zerocool242001 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 19:09

Shame that they can`t do that with Final destination, order is still delayed...

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

Jonny Bravo (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th February 2003, 20:41

Hey Guys,

Just checked and is now 6.49. Still not bad

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