Info and forum posts by 'moggi1'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 30th June 2001, 12:28, Last used: Saturday, 30th June 2001, 12:28

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Frasier & Cheers Season 1 (R1) £19.34 delivered each

orderd frasier... my all time fav sit-com, cheers rich

RE: Open your Eyes and You Can Count on Me £6.99 at CD Wow

open your eye`s... great film, for those of you that don`t know, vanilla sky is a remake of this film and in my `eyes` this beats it hands down. gone for it cheers stu.

RE: dvd`s £7.99 inc p+p

iv`e orderd half dozen or so and had no probs, delivery times ok as well.

RE: Go back to your childhood for only £4.99

mr ben was awsome, i`d still watch it now if it was on!

RE: Stereophonics Music DVD`s

great bargain, bought bthe live at morfa concert and it`s outstanding, a must for any phonics fans.

RE: proline 2000 DOES IT PLAY MP3

cheers sfbanks, turned it off and reconnected scart, job`s a good un!

RE: proline 2000 problems

i have no idea what firmware is, could you explain?

seven for 7.99 have the single disk seven dvd on offer at 7.99

proline 2000 problems

only had my proline 2000 2 months but it`s really getting on my nerves, i mean, ok it was only 120 sovs but everytime i put a dvd in i have to turn off subtitles and now to my utter dismay it`s flashing a patchy green fuzz on all my dvd`s, anyone else had these probs?

under 18 are doin some cheapies. universal dvd at 10.99 and warner bro titles at 9.99, some decent titles there to.

RE: gattaca

brilliant, it`s on it`s way cheers fac63


hey guys anyone know where i can get a cheap copy of gattaca, any region will do, cheers