Info and forum posts by 'stanthe'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 10:15, Last used: Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 10:15

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Go away!

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Complete Emma Peel Avengers box set for 106.32 US dollars!

I bought all of my R2 Emma Peels at half price at HMV and HMV Online. About £50 for the entire 25 episode colour series.Haven`t got the rest of the b&w seires yet my wife will kill me! But you can getsome of those at half price also For some reason she wasn`t impressed when I showed her how cheap the Tara King episodes were in MVC either -£16 per 8 episode box set. I can`t understand her - does she not recognise a bargain when she sees one?
I have a friend who bought some of the R1s last year and wasn`t too impressed with the quality but I confess I haven`t seen them to compare.

Where is Happy?

Come on out old mate I could do with a good laugh this weekend. You haven`t written any drivel since Tuesday, come on, you must be furious and biggoted about something today!
PS Hope you enjoyed The Proms!!

RE: Rule Britannia - NO MORE!

Dear Happy Ex Hitachi Owner,
I think you should get out a bit more.can I suggest a walk along a beach, there a fantastic one at Harlech in North Wales, near Portmerion where they shot The Prisoner. You can`t write lines like "Jesus Christ man" and" I can slaughter you on Classical music knowledge" and be expected to be taken seriously.What sort of creature are you? Primary or Comprehensive? Or just plain old lonely tosser?
Carry on old mate you make me laugh. You don`t half get a bit worked up though, why don`t you take a stress pill, switch off your computer and lie down. Close your eyes but don`t drop off and start dreaming about how beautiful Land of Hope and Glory is with Richard Baker commentating in a fairy dress and that bespectacled loon conducting from the front row of the audience.
(Or are you he? In which case you whole year must be up the creek and you DO need to get a life)
Whilst you are there in the land of near Nod, think about other people in the world, think about what you`ve said over the past few days on this site.Think that when you write something not all people will agree with you and that is how it should be - you should be able to speak your mind. But remember also that those who won`t tolerate other viewponts start wars. A bit simplistic in its excecution I know but I want you to understand. Think about the words: "There are people that don`t share my views. I shouldn`t rant and rave".
"There are people that don`t share my views. I shouldn`t rant and rave".
"There are people that don`t share my views. I shouldn`t rant and rave".
Now, don`t you feel better???
Don`t reply to me unless you`ve got news of rare uncovered footage of Oh Mr Porter or any Will Hay film for that matter.

Anyone used these suppliers?

Has anyone used these two suppliers?
Classic Video, Switzerland (Seem good for deleted items)
Robert`s Hard to Find Videos, Canada ( Some wonderfully obscure classics and good trash available!!)

Anyone used these suppliers?

Has anyone used these suppliers and are they any good-
Classic Videos Switzerland and Robert Hard to Find Videos in Canada?

Kubrick Collection R2 Out 10 September

Amazon have announced that a R2 Kubrick Box Set is due out on 10 September - their price £79. It doesn`t say if its the same as the R1 edition or if it includes the documentary...does anyone have any more info?

RE: Mission Impossible 2. Any Good??

Hard Boiled & Face/Off are the death of cinema. They are the cinematic equivalent of theme parks - fur coat, no knickers. The acting in both films is what is known in the trade as drivel, the same goes for the sripts - they do however suceed as comedy. Fat Yun Chow would make an excellent Norman Wisdom in the forthcoming biopic. If you really want to see a good action film wait till the R2 disc of Oh Mr Porter comes out next year. The part where Moore Marriot slices bacon rashers off the pig send a chill thrill down the old bones. The tension built in the sequence where Will Hay manages to avert a train collision by changing the points just in time is the essence of the action genre which John Woo has missed time and time again. The DVD is the full on PG version never seen before, featuring the "lost" sequence where a woman falls off the platform and scrapes her ankle.

RE: Mission Impossible 2. Any Good??

I`ve read a lot about John Woo, I`ve seen a few of his films, he seems like a nice chap. Unfortunately his films stink, Mission Impossible 2 is no exception. I`d go so far as to say he`s almost as bad as Joel Schumacher and that`s saying something.(Now don`t all shout at once!!)

RE: New Kubrick Collection...unavailable ?

Anyone know if it`ll come out on R2?. I read somewhere that the documentary will be shown on British TV, can anyone confirm this? say they supply the R1 box set at £99 which is incredible value but I`ve never used them. I`ve searched high and low for a review from a R2 user but can`t find one...perhaps you could let me know!!!!

2001a space.. R2-problems.

Has anyone else got problems with the new R2 of 2001? Mine jumps about all over the place between 17 - 24. I`ve tried it on my Whafdale 750 (don`t laugh!) and on an Apple Powerbook. Same probs. I`d just like to know if its a duff disk or a mastering prob.
"My God - it`s full of stars!"

RE: Withnail & I

Sorry to disappoint but I`ve just finished reading Bruce Robinson`s excellent book Smoking in Bed, in it he states that he told Criterion where to get off when they offered himself and Grant no financial incentive to voice over the film. (He han`t gained anything from the recent Withnail re-assessment) His reasons are less mercenary than that and tied up in a fondness for the film and its history together with a sadness at the way his film is not part of him anymore. Anyhow buy the book - even if you don`t like any of his other films - I`ve been reading books on filmaking for twenty five years and its up there near the top.
Very funny, very serious, very good.