Info and forum posts by 'kiff'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 26th May 2001, 00:24, Last used: Friday, 1st December 2006, 23:19

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 76 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Couple of issues and some advise.

Been a LONG time since I came to this fountain of information.

Ok then I have also bought one of the Tesco LiteOn DD-A110 dvd recorders, nice lookin, set up easy, doesn`t like my Toshiba 26WLT66, I think it is the fact that the freeview is inbuilt. I can`t seem to get the player to find the inbuilt recorder, therefore I can`t record freeview. Any help or do I need to take it back?

Second tap of the knowledge. ;)

I have a 36" CRT untill I can afforrd a plasma or lcd, I want a PVR with built in freeview, HD would be nice, I have spent the last 3 hrs searching this forum for an answer but no firm answer. Fancy one of these DMR-EX85EB-S not sure though!!! I just want a PVR with a HD and at least 1 free view decoder, HDMI nice, can;t seem to find one for a reasonable price,

Please reply if you have a proper response, I have only come here because I a stuck not because I am lazy. Really not sure where to go.



Windows Media Player won`t update album information HELP

I have a problem with media player 10.
Whenever I put an album into my pc and search for the album info, it finds the right album, but when I click finish, the album info doesn`t update?

Anyone got any ideas?

I have tried everything I can but can`t find any information.

Is there a way of re installing XP Pro without wiping everything off the HD?

I`m having a similar problem with updating spybot aswell, keeps coming up with a `bad check sum` message, could this be anything to do with it?

Any help or Ideas?


HELP Caribe.sis

Evening all,

I was in Merry Hill, in brum, when my phone started going mad, it wanted to download this bluetooth file, so after saying No several times I said yes, Don`t know why, I just did!!!! Any way I now have Carbie on my phone (Nokia 6600). I came home and searched for it on the net, to find that it is the first mobile phone virus, not a bad virus, just some little tw*t saying look what I can do!!!!

But I can`t delete it from my message box it comes up with "General: Already in use!"

I read on the symbian site you can delete the files, but it doesn`t say how?

I phoned Orange and they said they had never heard of this virus?!?!

Any help or pointer will be greatfully appreaciated, as I now have to turn bluetooth off so I don`t spread it.

Ta :)

Laptop upgrade?

Hi Guys and Gals,

I am looking to upgrade my laptop which is pretty basic and v v slow now.

I have been looking a the Tiny laptop deals. But I get a little voice in my head that says "What the hell you doing Moron!?!?!"
They are very tempting, has anyone gone for one of the lastest models? Is it worth it? Its very strange that a computer company can have such a BAD customer service recored yet still be in business. Why is this? Are we just glad to get £1500 worth of laptop for £999 or what?
Are all the scare stories right?

I just can`t find an honest answer, I wish the PC mags would say it as it is???

Why does my PC hang?

Evening all,

Just recently my laptop seems to hang for 6-15 seconds when i`m on the net, I have not added any software, I have done a virus scan and SpyBot + Adaware and found nothing abnormal. Can anyone shed any light?

I use broadband so it is noticable, if I was still on a modem then I wouldn`t have noticed.

Can`t think what it would be?

Thanks for any help.


RE: If only I`d found this a month ago...

Did anyone read about those 4 yorkshire lads who where arrested and charged with racial hatried in greece, they basicly started mouthing off in greece about the amount of flags and people supporting the team.
So they got locked up, fined and were made to make a public apology!!!!! (to the greek public and police).
Now that is how it should be done, they are proud of there flag and it`s heritage, so when it was slaged off they delt with those who did it, no questions!!!!

Why can`t we be like that?

I can`t stand football but seeing the following the team had, through the flag, made me proud, better the St George than a flag with a pic of Beckham on it!!!!! ;)
The rugby fans had no problem flying it? :)

Just Installed DVD RW and I won`t work HELP!!!!!

Evening guys and gals,

I have just installed a DVD RW and it won`t work? It is a dvdrw drw-1s81, which is same as the liteon 8x DVD RW, but without the badge.

Once installed I get two new players, one says DVDRW DRW-1s81 the other says Generic DVD-ROM SCSI Cd Rom Device, neither of which pick up a DVD+RW when inserted!!

Anyone got any advise or wisdom they would like to share as to why this has happened, I have tried disabling, each devise in turn but this makes no difference, I have turned the PC of with the disc in the tray and it still won`t pick it up.

Thanks in advance

PS Happy Easter one and all

RE: New Yamada 6600 only £66.99 + £3 postage

You Should have a look here if you are interested in this.

Tells you all you want and more!!!

RE: PCMCIA Cards Help Needed!!

Thanks for that. :)

I have decided to go for two seperate cards, it works out a lot cheaper, I searched everywhere for the one you found, and your find was the cheapest, but for that price I got a card with 2 USB 2 and a card with 2 Firewire + a 2M firewire cable and a 7 in 1 external card writer!!! :D

But thanks for the find, I han`t come across it in my searches.

Try here

Not bad on price

This item was edited on Wednesday, 3rd March 2004, 22:33

PCMCIA Cards Help Needed!!

Evening Guys and Gals,

I am looking for a PCMCIA card for my laptop that has 2x USB 2 and 1x Firewire, I can only find cards that do one or the other, whereas PC cards do both. I have searched everywhere, but can`t find one, has anyone else seen one or know where to get one?

I may have to buy both but I would rather not if I can!!

Thanks in advance for any info.

DVD Recorders - Which One?

Well the heading say`s it all.

My Dad want`s to upgrade his Wharfdale 750`s, but doesn`t want to go for a stand alone dvd, he want`s recordable. He asked me what I thought, I said I really didn`t know!

So should he wait 6 months, or is there one out there that really does it all for a budget ie. Wharfdale 750`s (Do you see where I am coming from?)

Any Advise welcome (I`m not buying!!!)

Anyone Help?


I have just update windows and i am now getting error reports. They say:

App Name : explorer.exe
App Ver : 6.0.2800.1221
Mod Name : wininet.dll
Mod ver : 6.0.2800.1106
Offset : 00060572

The systems shuts down and then starts up with a scan disc. Then when it re-starts, i get a system has just recovered from a serious error message.

What can I do?

Any ideas?

RE: Who`s the hottest Actress/Model/Singer? (A picture thread)

Does anyone else that Keira will come out top of FHM Girl of 2004?

She better had!!!!

I think that this year will be the year of the brits?

Keira No1
Racheal Stevens No2

Any thoughts?

RE: Region Free Patch/Software

Will K

Cheers, It is 96ffik[at]moc.liamtoh, is it a free version?

Region Free Patch/Software

Does anyone know which is the best Region free software (Preferably free) for my DVD rom drive.
I have searched google but not sure which one to go for, I have found cracks for some of the pay ones but I just wandered which one everyone else used?

I have also found a firmware patch but I am very dubious about loading it as the disclaimer says "if we break it tuff" (or words to that effect!!!)

Hope this tread doesn`t break any rules?


RE: Most Shocking Film

Sounds sad, but the last film that made me jump in my seat was "Signs", I knew it was going to happen but I still went 6" up the back of my seat!!!! :/ (The bit in the Cupboard, when he cuts of the fingers)

Apart from that I haven`t really jumped or thought "can`t watch this" to any other film,
Jaws does still get a small reaction, but I think that is just drilled into me to jump!!! :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 01:11

Sky +

Is it possible to change the standard 40gig to something bigger?

If so how, and does it void the warranty?

RE: Dream Set Up

Not Bad, I take it you have thought about this once or twice!?!?!?! :)

I bet there are a lot of options thought, some of the sale stuff is C**p but others well.

My father wanted a new set up so he found all the sales prices Online, walked into the shop said "what can you do it for" they matched it there an then + cables inc.

Git, wish I had his money, I bought him his first DVD player for Xmas 3 years ago, now he has a better set up than me. That`s not right!!!!

Better get on the phone to the home ala John Smiths ad!!!

RE: Help Needed!!!!

Just to let you all know, she has got into the Top 10 :)

Dream Set Up

So then the Xmas Sales are on us,

If you had the money to spend in them!! What would your dream set up be? :)

I.e. Denon DVD, KEF speakers, 42" Plasma, Denon Amp etc etc

Think Big, you might even want to knock down a wall to make your own cinema. ;)

RE: Huntley found GUILTY of both murders

Ok she was a dumb ass, in love, belived him, I can go along with that. But the 3 yrs should be ADDED to what she has served, that only make 4 and a half years, not out next spring due to time served.

Him, well......
Death sentence....... Um
Fact that MY TAXES pay for him to live.....Um
Really don`t know how i feel, on one hand I would say let him drop a lot distance with a short rope, but then he gets of easy. Then I think that it will cost Tax payers at least 20k a year to look after him, and I really don`t want ANY of MY money, even over the 2 life terms to go to pay for him in prison. I hate to think that part of my road tax or income tax or insurance tax or just TAX, is paying for him to eat, sleep or play on his PS2 whilst watching a DVD on his widescreen TV, inbetween his workouts in his private but limited Gym.
F**k human rights, he gave them up when he killed two 10 yr olds in cold blood.
Sorry to all you do gooders out there, but some of us see things as Black and white / Good and evil.
I really wish the world was a safe place to live, but it isn`t, never has been and until we get strong on people who do wrong then it never will. (And it should be them that pays for it not the general public.
That is all I have to say on the subject, no discussion.

RE: Mini TV / Radio - £9.99 inc P&P


Black and White!!! >:(

I didn`t think they even made these anymore???? :o

mc7t u must really hate your mother in law!!! :D

Guess it`s a good pressie then. :D

RE: broom, broom Cars. what people own?

ok then!!!

first car:
Metro 1.3hle (70mph flat out, down hill, following wind) >:(

second car:
Feista XR2i G reg (loved that car, still looks good today?) :/

Third car:
Rover 220SDi (Diesel power, love it, can`t stop loving it, don`t care if it smells) :)

Fourth car:
Golf TDi 150 GTi (Oh my god, I love this car, if they bring out an R32 diesel version my name will be top of the list) 8)

next car, see above, if they don`t then not sure, may keep this one and get it chipped to 250 bhp!!!! :D

Inbetween: ;)

Suzuki GXR 600 P reg
ZX6R Kawasaki R Reg
Suzuki RGV250R G reg
(Too many points on my licence, so sold bikes :( )

This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 23:24

RE: Help Needed!!!!

God I wish!!

She is a mate`s sister, what can I say she is 10x more than that photo, and yes I have tried but so far no luck, really got to get her drunk!!!!! :D

If this does happen then photo`s may be available!!!! ;)

Vote away. It may tip the balance!!! ;)

Help Needed!!!!

Guys and Girls,

I need your help. This has nothing to do with DVD`s, it is all about a 19 year old model.

Got your attention yet? :)

I need your help in getting her to be MCN Biker Babe 2004, below are two links you need, one is of her the other is where to E-Mail. I would be so so so greatful if all you boys out there could vote for her and pass this on to everyone you know. Trust me when I say the photo on the site does not do justice. You could crack an egg on her arse and the eyes, oh the eyes!!! :D

Please help out with this it will make her dreams come true.

enilno.ncm[at]moc.pame <enilno.ncm[at]moc.pame>

Again I would be so greatful if you could all vote for her and get all your mates to as well. It really would be worth it!!! :D

Ps Sorry if this breaks any rules!!!

RE: Best Adult DVD? Opinions

Just a bit confused!!

Do you really pay that much for Porn? (Ripper)

£50 for the 4 disc version (The Fashionistas) or £30 for the 2 disc plus postage.

Guess you must really like porn?
Don`t get me wrong I have every Ben Dover Loaded247 does!!! They are so slow to get new stuff in!! The only good thing is the price.

I just can`t belive what you will pay for porn?

RE: Anyone here interested in the World Cup?

Oh Please, :o

This morning I watched my country perform it`s heart out, there was more passion in there display than any one of you could perform on a sunday morning!! :)

And then I whatched the sport of the nation ie Football, what a load of Wa*K, I am sorry but I would not get up on a sunday morning at 8.30 to watch the S**t that they call football. I am so tired of watching over payed tw**s running around after a ball, the youngest one on the field earns more per week than any off us on this forum does per year. And we are supossed to be proud of them. >:(

The English rugby squad are in the FINAL of the WORLD CUP!!! They earn less than a manager a your local bank, yet they are about to kick the hardest arse you will ever see, and in the name of your country, F**K football it is dead, the only thing that keeps it alive is the fact that so many sad Wa**ers, support it.

Do you not realise that next Saturday at 8.45am you might actually see England hold up a World Cup. I don`t think my 6month old nephew will see that in his life if he follows football. :/

There are MEN out there playing for us, not puffs, who go down at the slightest thouch (no gay inuendo) these blokes take hits that would put the average bloke in hospital, yet they get up and ask for more! The one`s who play football take a small hit to the shin and that`s it they are off for six months, full pay, don`t give a s**t if there is an England call up.

I really think we should change our national sport, football has had it`s day, it is now to comercial.

(We can`t even win a friendly with a bit of class, england 2 Denmark 3)



Got mine too!!

Loved it at the cinema, just watched it again and still loved it. There is just something about animation, you can beat it.

Bring on the next one!!!!

RE: Blaine announces his next stunt...

"The best trick the Devil ever pulled was making us think he didn`t exist",

God I wish Blaine didn`t exist, He depreses me. Always so glum, so self indulgent, I really want to swear and call him names. But I don`t really know him.

He is worth a s**t load, has a bird most of us would love (plus another if you belive the press), and he just seems to be running at about 25% energy when most of us are at 100% plus, we should really admire him!!

But he just comes across as a complete tosser, the sort of bloke the vicar would take swing at if he had had half a pint!!!!

I can`t belive the money his last stunt generated when you look at it. If it had been anyone else famous doing it nobody would have bothered, but because it was him, we all expected something special!
Shows how gulible we have all become.

I bet the next trick/stunt whatever is just the same, money for him boring for us.