Info and forum posts by 'M Newton-Lewis'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 10:17, Last used: Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 10:17

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

World Cup not in widescreen

4:3 for the World Cup then:

Chances of 16:9 for Portugal 2004?

RE: Trailers for Dolby, DTS, THX, etc.

Can you get the player to play them again after it`s played them once already? (or do you have to pull the plug?)

Trailers for Dolby, DTS, THX, etc.

Before quite a few films, they have introductory trailers for the sound system the film uses.

I can`t seem to play these at will - they appear to have dodgy chapter numbers.

Am I missing something?

Coax connectors - worth spending extra?

My Oritron 600 only has coax output for DD/DTS. Does it make any difference having a better connector? If so, which one do you suggest?

Before I set it up, I bought an optical lead but now I`m just using a standard phono lead, and it appears to work OK (although I haven`t got any DTS discs to try!).


RE: prologic question ?

Yeah, I have to turn off Pro Logic if ever I watch Friends, because the canned laughter shouts out of the rear speakers.

RE: Terminator Probs

Just replied to a similar post at allvols...

Anyway, I think this is fixed if you upgrade the firmware (I`ve yet to see whether it is fixed or not).

You can play the film by using the on-screen menu to bypass the menu and jump directly to the appropriate chapter.

Either way, you should look into getting the upgrade.


RE: oritron 600 - firmware

Got my update CD today - works fine. I`ve uploaded its contents to:

RE: oritron 600 - firmware


Well, yes... although I don`t have any experience on which to base that answer.

However, if they`re all clones and therefore effectively identical `internally`, then it certainly should do. I`m not sure how happy Oritron would be about spending money to send CDs out to people who weren`t (direct) Oritron customers, but, well, who cares? :)


RE: oritron 600 - firmware


Ah! What you need is my grade C!

There are various links with the same files packaged up for different CD burning apps - the one for Nero is called There`s also a manual (in German!) of what you have to do to get your player to recognise the upgrade CD.

In fact, I`ve just been speaking to Dixons Digital Helpline (08700100484) and put my name down for an official CD - the guy I spoke to said that they were expecting 400 CDs in "in the next few days".


RE: oritron 600 - firmware

Here`s a (German) URL for 005 firmware download for Oritron clones (Proline 2000, Grundig 520, Tevion 200, Lifetec 7989, etc.)


RE: oritron 600 - firmware


Any chance you could upload the contents of the CD somewhere?


RE: Hang on... I`ve already got 5 speakers...

Thanks for the reply Shaun.

Don`t understand what you mean in the first paragraph, but I think you understand what I`m trying to do - use the TV`s left and right speakers as the receiver`s front-left and front-right speakers. I`m not sure how well my surround sound speakers would fare as front-left and front-right.

You`re right, the SCART thing *does* sound dodgy! However, I believe the left and right channels are separate when you`re connecting via SCART.

Can anyone confirm this?

And has anyone used their Pro Logic TV this way?

Thanks again,


Hang on... I`ve already got 5 speakers...

As a cheap solution, is it worth using my Pro Logic TV speakers as output for a Dolby 5.1/DTS receiver?

Obviously what I really want are 5 decent speakers and a sub, but, as an interim, is it worth using the speakers currently available to me? I`ve got a Sony KV-28FS20 and the speakers seem of decent quality. Rigging up the 2 surround speakers and the centre speaker would be straight forward, so I guess it would only be a case of using the TV`s built-in speakers as front-right and front-left. Then all I`d have to worry about is getting a sub.

Has anyone done this? With my TV, I don`t think you can have separate sound and video inputs simultaneously (other than using the nasty composite phonos on the front, of course), and so you`d have to have the front-right and front-left outputs from the receiver going into the main SCART lead. In other words, combining the video input (from the DVD) and the audio input (from the receiver) into one SCART.

Comments please!
