Info and forum posts by 'santo'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 19th April 2001, 11:44, Last used: Monday, 9th August 2010, 07:39

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sky are broadcasting in DTS 5.1 now, but are there any Digiboxes out there...

To be honest I think you are going to be waiting a long time for DD to be standard on digital TV. ITVD doesnt have the capacity (it barelty has enough capacity for TV stations). Cable digital quoted me yesterday that they are using Linear Stereo (with encoded Prologic) for the foreseeable future and SkyD are going to milk Sky+ for all it can in the next few years.

RE: Sky are broadcasting in DTS 5.1 now, but are there any Digiboxes out there...

If you are willing to buy your own box, there is a new Nokia digi box with DD5.1 pass thru. It works with any digital satellite signal.

Here is the link


RE: JAWS 3D on DVD ??


Which ABC cinema, abbey st or belgrave gate. Both are closed now, only the Odeon left in leicester now (I think, haven`t been in the that area of town for a few years now).


RE: is better than you lot say!

I have ordered over 20 DVDs from them (out of a total of 33 in my collection). I ordered 4 jackie chan movies on frioday afternoon (1 R1, 3 R2). Got the R1 on Monday, Got the 3 R2s today. I got the confirmation emails on saturday that they had been posted. Only cost £50 for 4 films. not gonna complain at that.

RE: DIXONS:thanks for nothing

THe best thing to do in dixons is to scupper a sale buy. If you had the same hifi system as they stocked in store. Go in with your remote control and wait for them to do a sale in that dept of the store. Then switch on the unit and put it onto radio / tuner, it is bound to be static as there will be no ariel. Then turn it up slowly, so the salesman wonders what is going on, when he turns it off, just keep repeating this, it works even better if they are trying to sell the model you are playing with.

RE: Akira - limited edition tin box.

The only thing missing is the metal box, the disks are identical.

Akira has now disappeared from play247 (unless you have it in your order list already). It seems that the film was a tad popular, it was top of the best sellers yesterday). I wonder if they are trying to avoid getting any more orders.


RE: Akira - limited edition tin box.

Just phoned play247.

Could not get enough Limited Ed. They are getting the special editions in mid week next week. These will be shipped instead if you ask them to. (I think, maybe they will do it automatically, but that is a bit of a liberty if you want the limited edition only).


RE: top 5 must have films

The Doors (R1) - Excellent Film - tons of extras
T2 UE(R1) - See comments about the doors
Crouching Tiger (R2)
Goodfellas (R2) - Just for the film - disk not paricularly good
Ghost Dog (R1) - avoid R2 like the plague - no extras - R1 full of them


This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 12:54

RE: Whats the last DVD everyone bought?

Crouch Tiger Hidden Dragon, but have Ghost Dog and Akira (both R1) on order