Info and forum posts by 'stevea'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 13th April 2001, 13:22, Last used: Friday, 13th April 2001, 13:22

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: egatimrA_evets[at]moc.liamtoh

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Pioneer DVDR and Philips playback

I`m considering getting the Pioneer DVDr for the PC. It uses the DVD-R format - does anyone know if I might get playback problems on my Philips 610 player.

Anyone recommend the Pioneer unit or are there better ones out there in the same price bracket (around 200 quid)

thanks in advance,


Cheap PCs

Can any of you guys recommend a good deal on a lower spec PC (box only) 20 gig HD, 1 ghz, 128 meg memory and a CD burner. The one you`re all talking about sounds like some beast but more than I need. Hoping to keep the budget around the £300 mark

btw just back from Bali - a mecca for cheap DVDs - all titles 3 quid (all counterfeit though!!)

RE: buying PS2 abroad

Sydney Brisbane and Cairns, Elephant! Cheers for the info...

buying PS2 abroad

About to travel to Oz via Bali and Singapore and was wonderiing if anyone could advise where, if any, of these places I could pick up a PS2 cheaper than the UK? Would I have any problems with the voltage when I get back to blighty?

Cheers in advance...

RE: Free dvd with wap phone

Many thanks clayts, good man. Not really bothered about any freebies, DVD or otherwise (got a phillips 711), just after a nice low monthly rental...

RE: Free dvd with wap phone

Looks OK - I`m after a cheap mobile deal with a low monthly charge (under a tenner) as I don`t use it much. Ideally would like to keep the existing number (vodafone). Anyone recommend a `Bargain Buckets` site for mobile deals???

Thanks in advance

RE: Godfather Trilogy £30 in Comet stores

Edinburgh Straiton has copies, got mine the other night.

Thanks to Jeffers for putting the info up, been after a copy of this at the right price for months.

RE: - 2 for £20

Are they doing Turnbull`s Tornadoes or `Six of the best` ;-)

RE: Godfather DVD Boxset £39.99 - hurry ! Offer Ends soon!

Thanks for the info guys. No sign of any copies in my local (Edinburgh) woolies, will call Big W though

RE: Godfather DVD Boxset £39.99 - hurry ! Offer Ends soon!

Can anyone confim if it`s still going cheap in Woolies/Big W?

Many thanks


Grunt boy
tonite you sleep with de fishees

RE: Buy `Shawshank Redemption` at bensons, get a free Laurel/Hardy DVD

perhaps it`s a loyalty thing??
I also tried (have bought from them before) but free one did not appear in basket...

RE: Free DVD from Bensonsworld - Little Shop Of Horror`s

got mine too, ordered it alongside `When We were Kings` which is terriffic.
Agree more companies should offer a freebie as an incentive.

Virgin 2 for £20

good deal on in Virgin (Edinburgh)

12 monkeys
Res. Dogs
Brother Where art thou

loads more

Travis DVD

Anyone know if Travis are going to put out a DVD of their promo vids????

Macrovision - general point

Having spent a little time scratching around for a MV hack for my Philips 711 I`ve foung that there`s very little in the way of MV hacks generally.
Have owners of other DVD players also been frustrated in their search?
The only reason I want it is to do backups of DVD`s to VHS so if they become hard to get I have a copy. MV protection is hardly going to stop Pirates doing mass copies so I can`t really see the point in it.

If anyone can mail me the hack I`d be really grateful.