Info and forum posts by 'Clayshooter'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 8th March 2001, 13:12, Last used: Monday, 2nd August 2010, 09:36

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Recommend a widescreen tv

I have a ferguson 28". Bought it at Argos for under £300. I`m very pleased with it out of interest it has 2SCART S-Vid as well as Composite video.

RE: SC-2000 Firmware / Hardware Survey

ADV 7172 00000001
5th Mar



RE: Advice for a new SC2000 owner

Hi Again
It would appear to me that the issue is one of a new ROM chip on the latest batch shipped. Should anyone wish to collate the info mine was received on Monday and has ADV7172 00000001 and had 2.07. The upgrade to 2.23 has been successful. In fairness to Paul and Steve I would hope that Scan would blow a couple of PROM chips and give them a dispensation regarding the warranty as to opening the case and fitting them. I came very close to performing the Downgrade to 1.80 myself. A lesson has been learned here and it seems that with a little gesture on Scans part the lesson does not have to be an expensive one.



This item was edited on Friday, 9th March 2001, 10:00

RE: Advice for a new SC2000 owner

I have bitten the bullet and DLd 2.23 from NiVZ. Out of interest I have ADV7172. Loaded OK and to answer you Bernie MP3 still not in "Long" format.
My sympathies Paul there but for the grace etc go I.


Ed Jenkinson

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th March 2001, 20:42

RE: Advice for a new SC2000 owner

I think this may have come from the FAQ page where it mentions downgrading to V1.80 to allo a hidden VCR facility. For my part I think I will only upgrade but I would like to do it incrementally. I see from another thread that NiVZ is going to put up 2.08 and 2.11 as alternatives to 2.23 (in order to have VCR friendly and SVCD facilities. This way I should be OK going "forward" only asit were. It would be nice to see the revision history for firmware if anyone has it or knows where it can be found.


RE: Advice for a new SC2000 owner

Thanks for that. Does anyone know what version Scan are shipping at the moment at all as an example I have had mine less than a week (shipped last Saturday) is this an "old" unit as regards firmware?



Advice for a new SC2000 owner

Hello all
As a new owner of an SC2000 I have read NiVZ`s excellent FAQ sheet and would like to ask the cognicenti please. I have V2.07 firmware, from what I have read here in the forum and again on the FAQ it may be best to consider first downgrading to 1.80 a couple of times before coming up to a recent version (2.11 perhaps rather than 2.23). Could anyone advise mem please and also tell me where I can get "safe" copies of earlier firmware revisions.

many thanks in advance

Ed Jenkinson