Info and forum posts by 'JCF'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 20th January 2001, 16:01, Last used: Saturday, 20th January 2001, 16:01

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Wharfedale 750 and DTS

Hi, I`ve got a 750 without logo and led and couldn`t get any DTS sound from my Kenwood 7030 amp, so i contacted Tesco support and an engineer took my player for testing (as Wharfedale explicitely says that the player outputs DTS sound). I just got the player back and i was told that the DTS sound is properly carried from the DVD outputs. So looks like a problem with my brand new amp.

RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem

I`ll tell you that as soon as my player is back.......


RE: Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem


I already replied to the same problem in another thread. today an engineer sent by Tesco came and took back the player with him. It`s been widely advertised that the DVD-750 is DTS capable, even the Wharfedale web site says that (without specifying the 750s only). So i hope to have my player back soon with DTS output working fine.


RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem


Just got an engineer sent by Tesco today, i demoed the fact that i cant output DTS on my new amp, and also showed the page in printed from the Wharfedale web site saying that 750 and 750s output DTS via the digital connections. He never met this problem before so took the player with him. I also insured him that lots of people having the player without the DTS logo on it were able to get DTS sound. I just have to wait now....

I`ll keep you informed, JC

RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem


I checked on the Wharfedale site, and it does say that the DVD 750 and 750s do output DTS via digital outputs. So i contacted the support and they`ll send an engineer in 2 days. I also bought the player for that, so if mine does not output DTS i`ll ask them to do something....


RE: Sony STR-DB 940 DTS Sound Problem


I`ve got a Kenwood KRFV-7030D amp and when i try to output DTS from my Wharfie, it does not receive any signal at all. If a choose a DD5.1 soundtrack, all is fine (without changing the configuration of the player). I read some other threads of people having similar problems with different amps but the same DVD player : The Wharfedale DVD-750, so i can`t see the problem coming from the amp (brand new). I`ve got an engineer coming to check that this week and hopefully find a solution.


RE: 5 speaker package for £150?


I just ordered a ELTAX ATOMIC surround package for £140 at Hughes TV (, i didn`t received it yet so cannot give a judgement (Home Cinema gave it 8/10 in its january edition)


This item was edited on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 20:29

RE: Wharefdale 750 DTS Sound Problem


I just bought a Kenwood KRFV 7030D DD/DTS amp and plugged it to my 1st gen Wharfedale DVD-750, all is fine when setting the disc to DD5.1, but as soon as i change the sound track to DTS, the amp does become silent, does not receive any signal and then switch off after a couple of seconds. Are all DVD-750 ok to output the DTS or not ? i read in a newsgroup that another user has the same problem with the same setup. I cannot believe it`s an amp problem...... Any ideas ????