Info and forum posts by 'AndieJ'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 26th February 2008, 20:18, Last used: Friday, 26th December 2008, 11:29

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: what u looking at ya nosy git?

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Hellboy Animated, Sword Of Storms - Limited edition boxset £3.99

yep, the crushed mine to, slackers.

`I got a good mind to give up living, and go shopping instead` - BB King

RE: Lily Allen

talentless trollop, horrid voice, naff songs, would`ve got nowhere without daddies influence (though why his influence holds any credibilty I`ll never no, Fat Les, & sherrif of notts int he worst ever robin hood....)

`I got a good mind to give up living, and go shopping instead` - BB King

RE: Queen & Paul Rodgers - The Cosmos Rocks

i felt the same, it IS a grower, but there`s one song paul holds one word on for ages ont he chorus, now, why queen left paul`svoice on it`s on, and didn`t add harmonies in rising tones I don`t know.

It`s not the best Queen album ever, but it`s not the worst either, and knocks the spots of most of the crap around right now, however, it is not equal to the sum of it`s parts, good album, but could`ve been better, hopefully, they`ll do another.

`I got a good mind to give up living, and go shopping instead` - BB King

RE: 8800GT down to £85

that`s easy to avoid.

just ensure you have vista, and be safe in the knowledge that no matter how good or cheap your starting place was, every update will slow it down anyway!!!

`I got a good mind to give up living, and go shopping instead` - BB King

RE: HD-DVD sale at EzyDVD

hmm, Sony winning a format war, took them long enough.

still, no chance of them ever winning a price war is there.

`I got a good mind to give up living, and go shopping instead` - BB King