Info and forum posts by 'Stephen Morse'

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Joined on: Saturday, 16th July 2005, 16:48, Last used: Thursday, 15th November 2007, 14:01

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 293 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.04 messages a day, or 0.3 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Jerry Falwell dies...

Oh well, good riddance to bad news.

POLL: Which is the better song?

This post includes a poll.Come on, which one is it?

RE: Moving to britain for the nhs

Although I dont agree with the notion of `comin over here, abusing our system` etc, I do think that maybe we should be trying to sell the idea of a welfare state to other countries- so that they have a similar system in place and so that Passport carrying, NI paying Brits get first access to healthcare without it all getting a bit racist etc.

RE: UK Airports on High alert

Could todays date have any meaning regarding these terrorists. 10-08-06 it goes down in two`s.

Is that a joke? Do you mean there`s some sort of Terrorist plot to sink planes, as if they were Noah`s Ark or something??

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th August 2006, 11:16


Wouldnt a Christian Fundamentalist Agenda be anti-Israel too? I think you mean Anti-Islamic.

RE: Frasier

Region 1 equivalent is season 4! They have just stopped releasing them on Region 2 for some reason.


Okay, okay, okay - so I know it wasnt AS good after season 7, but does anyone know when they`re gonna put out seasons 9 & 10 on region 1? The wait for Season 8 was about 8 months by my reckoning, which was ridiculous.

There are a few things on the net that say it should be out this year, but I`d like a release date or something if anyone can find one!

Also, favourite episodes ... ?

RE: Liz Summers on Quiz Call

Is she the chunky dark haired girl? Last week she had the most ridiculously sized buttons on her coat; they could probably create a programme solely based on her bad fashion choices.

Yes, indeed it is - she`s famous for her HUUUUGE buttons. Also, she says the word `house` as `hice`.

As far as TV presenters go, Amanda Lamb (A place in the sun) used to be really nice before she had kiddies. Not too much of a fan any more.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th August 2006, 14:15

RE: dvds you want the most

I agree with loads of you other very correct people:

Nirvana Unplugged in New York (I dont really care about them any more, but that would be great to have, plus the VHS only documentary that they brought out years ago, which I cant remember the name of, but could possibly have been called `Live.Tonight. Sold Out)
Waynes World 1& 2 SEs
TMWRNJ (I dont believe that they destroyed the tapes!)
The Harry Hill Show (in its entirety)

RE: The Green Wing

If there were ever a TV series to buy a multi region DVD player for then its this. Tell yr friend to buy a new player!!

RE: Saxondale.....

There were 7 episodes - Started on June 19th. I happened to think it was fantastic - not very far behind `I`m Alan Partridge`, and Tommy is actually more likeable.

RE: Family Guy DVD

Last year? Nope, it didnt come out then.

"you know what I meant"

"Yes, I know what you meant"

RE: POLL: Most annoying accent?

Anthony LaPaglia? Yes Darfney, Oi quoirt agree!

It`s gotta be Manc - can`t stand the accent or the place - sprawling sh*thole!

RE: Now ALL respect for the police I had has gone.

`But who`ll police the police?`

`I dunno - Coastguards?`

RE: Tell us your TOP THREE Fantasies/Day Dream`s......

Oh, and for the record I think The Kinks are way better than the beatles

For the record - you`re wrong.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th July 2006, 15:31

RE: Tell us your TOP THREE Fantasies/Day Dream`s......

Liverpuddlians have the greatest sense of humour is the world - apparently. What they mean is only if you`re not making a joke about them!

Before anyone starts, I live in Liverpool, so blah blah allowed to say this blah.

RE: Italians dealt their punishment

thats their fault and their problem

Well put. Who cares about it anyway? It means a load of crap Italian teams in Europe, giving all the English / Scottish teams a better chance. Yey!


We were rubbish throughout. End of. England have a losing mentality and until Rooney grows up a bit, he`ll never be the god-like player that everyone reckon`s he will.

If any one else deserved to win, it was Germany for playing balls-out `nothing to lose` football from beginning to end

This item was edited on Friday, 21st July 2006, 16:39

RE: Film Four Question

Given that it`s free, I dont see how anyone can complain. Plus, I hear that the first cinematic image that they will show free is Scarlett Johansson`s ass, at that is the first thing in Lost in Translation. How can this be a bad thing?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th July 2006, 13:20

RE: Oh look what I found.

That page is boss!

RE: Minutes silence: welcome catharsis or meaningless gesture?

Pretty sure we did have sliences for the IRA bombings.

It`s a mark of respect for people who have lost their lives needlessly - all it asks of you is to shut up for a couple of minutes. Surely anybody over the age of 5 can manage that cant they??

RE: *** News hounds required ***

We`re paid exceptionally well - 2Kg of potatoes per paragraph, and a tube of smarties for a finished review.

RE: *** News hounds required ***

Why when we can just put any DVD news on the DVD & Films forum WHICH HARDLY ANYONE USES!!!

Because, I think you`ll find, there`s actually a whole website attached to this forum which - gasp! - some people actually LIKE and want to READ. Crazy, I know ... :/

RE: POLL: What Nationality Would You Say You Are?

Nationality is a load of rubbish anyway. At best, it`s something to be glad/relieved about, not proud.. The fact that I have a UK passport entitles me to lots of benefits, all because I and my parents were born in the UK, which is insane when you think about it, but something that I am quite glad about. Patriotism / nationalism is a load of poo tho, and I am certainly not proud to be associated with a nation that is such a mess at home and abroad.

That said, I consider myself British. Yet also European. The more encompassing, the better I reckon.

This item was edited on Friday, 30th June 2006, 11:11

RE: Ever met anyone famous?

I`ve met Cherie Blair. Had a chin wag with her at our graduation ceremony a few years back. Pretty nice woman actually, as much as it pains me to admit it!!

RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

My thoughts are also with you. So sorry to hear about that.

RE: People you have never seen in the same room at the same time!

Jesus .... and the Devil

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th June 2006, 14:17