Info and forum posts by 'Maranatha'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 4th March 2005, 23:32, Last used: Friday, 23rd June 2006, 09:22

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: BA: Two cracking contract mobile deals with cashback AND a free PSP giga pack


Sorry to be a kill joy, but in essence your still paying for the PSP albeit over time. I`d rather a free phone on a 12 month claw back tariff.

RE: eBay Scam Warning

Look, spoof e-mails from Paypal or Ebay have been circulating as long a go as Dinosaurs have been wandering the Earth. If you have only just received one, welcome to the real world.

Never click on links to either site via an e-mail, manually enter the web site address.

However, if you really want to hack off the guys sending you such things, click on the link and put in a false e-mail address and false password and send. Do this 100 times. You wont get another spoof beleive me. The other way to to expand the e-mail headder, find out the hidden domain they are using, it`s simple enough or use Systemworks Deep Site Extractor and complain to the administrator of same or spam their address to all the religious sites you can find. They will have to shut it down as they get hit after religious hit. Pretend you are doing it for the good of their souls.

RE: Netgear DG834T 108mbps Wireless Router + USB2.0 Adaptor for £89.99


The Netgear wireless modem/router will work with AOL and is supported, although the latest model isn`t yet. By the latest model I mean the 108mbps DG834GT. This router works with the WG311T PCI wireless adaptor, the WG111T USB 2 adaptor and the WG511T PC Card. Remember, if your wanting an extended range set up, then go for the blue tagged boxes in the right hand corner where it normally says in red 108mbps `G` in red.

Question, why on earth do you need the thing supported? Firstly it`s easy to configure. Shove in the cable to your phone line initially and set it up before you go wireless and add on other laptops or base sets. Once it is set up then adding to it is childs play. Secondly, AOL provide crap telephone support anyway. Your as well phoning up the speaking clock in Japan and trying that. Anyone with one neuron aimlessly wandering about in a brain cavity can do it.

The other thing is that there are other suppliers out there apart from PC World or is it PC Dont care and will rip you off and dont ask for a refund. Do a Kelkoo or Pricerunner check and you WILL get a price lower than that lot even on Special Offer and another 10% off and sex with the sales assistant.

Have fun.

RE: Free £15-£25 worth of Asda clothes vouchers..

Who is Jim? Jim Davidson?

Anyway, your quite right, don`t knock George clothing, they do a wonderful line in knotted hankie for the holidays and I beleive they are launching a range of Tank tops that surpasses all expectation.

RE: printer help

Hi, have got a half price photo printer deal on just now with £70 worth of ink included for £116.32 instead of £240 - will that do? See below link, 8)

BUSH LCD23TV004 23" *WIDE* SILVER -£374.29


Been searching about for a reasonable LCD TV. Found this one on the QED web site. Delivered it`s under £400, which is £200 plus cheaper than anyone else and it`s in stock. Checked with an Ebay retailer and it`s under cost and certainly even second hand, picking up more than this. Might save people searching about. See the following direct link.

Enjoy and keep the bargains coming. :o


(:¦ :$ :o :D :p :x

Have a happy April fools day today everyone. Oh, theres George Best drinking a cup of tea!

RE: List from earlier

Be quick - a 5 min acution has just come up for a used tea bag that belonged to George Best. One of a kind evidently. Tried it once...... It`s standing at 50,000 Kitkash points.

Fingers ready...........

I missed it....................Oh, cruel world. I am going to take an overdose of KitKats now. Theres no known antidote. I rang up the Samaritans, they were my last hope, but the guy there said it was self inflicted and I should be ringing up a skip to take the Kitkats away.

My last will etc. I leave my stash of Kitkats to the nation. Please erect a plaque saying I was too geady, trying to get something for nothing only others were better at it than me. If I want Nemo or a pair of cinema tickets, I must pay for it myself. When will I learn?

This item was edited on Friday, 1st April 2005, 00:50



Yes, thats the deal. No cost handset etc. free 500 mins talk any time any network, free 100 texts per month, 12 months, half price rental in the first 3 months, but with a printed voucher covering the £45 outlay claimable after month 3. Thereafter £30 per month and other vouchers claiming back £90 in months 6, 9 and 12..

Like you I would be concerned that her indoors has no recollection. Having said that it`s not impossible. How many times do we fill things in and forget. Either way, like them or loath them, this appears to be a no strings attached deal from one of the major suppliers at zero cost.

Oh, did I tell you that you have to view a time share in Gazza Strip? Naw, only kidding. :D



The paperwork eminates from Dialaphone. A card inside the package states as of the 9th February 2005 the registered office of Hutchison 3G UK Ltd will change to Hutchison House, 5 Hester Road, London SW11 4AN.

The vouchers are all there??? I dunno. Appears a good deal??? Any questions???


Wife got sent a Motorola C975 today by these people. Basically the same deal, no cost handset etc. and with 4 x three month vouchers covering the £30 per month rental which includes the free minuets and texts.

They phoned her yesterday and told her this was a thank you for filling in a survey she cant remember anything about.

I`ve been thro` the small print and it all appears legit apart from the fact you have to shell out from your bank and then make a retrospective claim every three months.

Total cost - NIL unless you obviously use more than the 500 mins and 100 texts a month. No rollover.

I too dont like the fact they are taking away to give back, but other than that the only other thing I could ask for is they pay me! :D

Having said that maybe there is method in the madness. Give a woman a mobile and ask her to keep to 500 mins a month - FAT CHANCE. She is on longer to her hairdresser. >:(

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????

Right, I`ll reply, but given the length of the post, it may take me a little while and even I have to work periodically, so it will be tomorrow - same time, same place. Like you, it interests me and would be an interesting academic diversion.

All I would say for now is that an individual could take it to the small claims court for little outlay - £39 and try it out.

The only expense might come if the other side hires a Solicitor to defend, wins and costs are awarded against the pursuer. Those costs might be restricted. Each judge has his own interpretation and the outcome is never certain. Of course if Ebuyer doesn`t defend, then the pursuer would win by default anyway.

I think it all hinges on if there was a contract in force and if the bargain was sealed by way of payment and the subsequent follow up confirmation e-mail, no matter what distractions there are, i.e. price etc. If it`s decided there was a contract, the pursuer is bound to win.

Anyway, better pop out, but reply in depth tomorrow.

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????


Thats a bit strong, obviously you have your own views on it. I don`t know about English law, only Scottish, but even so there is no way that this could be interpreted as Theft by any stretch of the imagination. All people are trying to do is enforce a civil contract that appears to be complete by the taking of monies and an e-mail confirming the order. Now that may be ethically and morally against your and my views, but don`t try to frighten people by saying it`s Theft or Fraud because it isn`t. I could go into definitions and expand on `felionious` and `appropriation` and case law, getting into quite a debate and if you see that as being the law according to Maranatha, fine, but it`s a view thats based on fact, not guess work. Perhaps you have a broader knowledge that reading off a definition, if so great, lets argue the pros and cons.

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????


Try sending Ebuyer the following polite `e-note`,


Regarding Samsung 28 inch pure flat widescreen TV (quick code 86649)

In response to your proported cancellation of my order I must insist on performance of your contractual obligations. Please note that under your Terms and Conditions 1.2 very clearly and unequivocally states, `no contract exists between you and the supplier for the sale of goods until the supplier has received and accepted your order and the supplier has received payment in full` (in cleared funds). Once the supplier does so, there is a binding legal contract between us.

I have received an e-mail confirming that the order had been processed and that payment had been successfully taken. There is therefore a contract in effect and you can not unilaterally cancel the contract. I would be grateful if you could confirm when the TV will be dispatched.


The T&C are riddled with holes especially the one relating to incorrect web priceing. It contradicts other conditions. There is also an arguement that even if they could cancel the order. they should have offered you the TV at a reformed price. That is immaterial, the point is a contract exists by their own definition and unless both sides agree, they and you are stuck with it, period. I am not saying go for them guns blazing and sue them, but I it is interesting to see how they will try to wriggle out of this one.

I mean if I walked into a shop cos I saw something up on the window saying TV for £1 and I wen to the assistant and paid £1and then went to pick it up to take it away with me and the man said, STOP, here is your money back, then I think we`d all have a moan and say tough on the shop.

You cant blame people for taking advantage of a low price, it`s human nature, Ebuyer should have had a better electronic system in place to stop this happening or identify early on when there was a rush on the product and then suspend it`s sale.

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????

Theft is the felionious appropriation of the property of another. There has to be `mens rea` in other words, criminal intent to complete the crime. Attempting to get a cheap TV via a mistyped price on a web site is not theft, nor is it any other crime. I am of the opinion that yes it was worth a try and yes, people may well suceed in a small claims action, but no it`s probably not worth the trouble. For information a small claims action up here in Scotland cost £39 and you end up filling in a few forms, but it`s nothing complicated and the outlay can be recovered from the person your sueing if your action suceeds. The rub for Ebuyer would be that their representative would have to appear in person at your local court to defend the action or loose it. To be honest, I can`t see them going to that degree on something they might well loose anyway.

I have to admit, I am still of the opinion that although the price was low enoguh to question that it was a mistake, that once they have taken payment and confirmed the order then no matter what small print they have, a legal contract is stuck.

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????

Checked the order. It`s at the `pick in progress` stage. That means the oder has gone to the warehouse prior to despatch. I can`t cancel it nor alter delivery eddress etc.The nesxt stage from that is `In transit.` Normally this happens on the day before delivery is due, although they are quoting 10th as delivery date. It may be that the orders will slip thro` the net before remidial action is taken by Ebuyer. I can`t imagine management will be in before Monday and then they will need a meeting, which knowing half the firms these days, will take the best part of the morning up inbetween tea breaks and lunch.

Legally, I am bound to say I think once you have the order confirmation and money has changed hands, then theres a contract at that price albeit a possible pricing error has occurred.

RE: Panasonic DVD-LS50 portable DVD player

The electrical retailer is `Uncle Jamal` He is a regular on Ebay and sells a hugh variety of goods cheap. He wont match auction prices, but will match other retailers selling new on Ebay on a like for like basis. Try it before knocking it. All your loosing is an e-mail!

RE: Panasonic DVD-LS50 portable DVD player have a Special Offer on a named portable DVD player just now. It`s half price at £124.99 instead of £249.99. From memory it comes up on the initial site page. Add a promotional discount code, available under a web search on `index discount code` and you have a bargain.

The other thing to remember is if your getting it for the car, a laptop type is maybe not the best thing as far as safety is concerned. Try a Next Base tablet one. They can be expensive, but a search on Ebay will reveal a new one from an electrical dealer complete with warranty for £140 on a `Buy Now` option. I don`t think you can get much better than that plus they have a price match promise.

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

The reality is a lot of people will end up with nothing and a few will end up with a few quids worth of goods, most of which they wouldn`t buy anyway. It just shows the greed that exists in this world. It`s sad, especially when you hear people saying they are going to the bank to get a loan to finance their purchase of KitKats.

Lets face it, it`s not in the spirit of the promotion, I mean people going out and buying hundreds or thousands of pounds worth of KitKats. It ends up taking peoples lives over, I can just imagine some saddos sitting there waiting all day for the 2 min auctions and debating when they should chance going to the toilet, so my Muppet comment stands no matter if you have got something or nothing.

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????

Like everything else, worth a try and yes it was a seemingly apparent pricing error although there is an arguement that this may have been a Special Price and as such accepted in good faith.

I wouldn`t bang on about it if it was rejected, after all it`s attempting to take advantage of a low price and if it paid off, fine, but if I`d paid a higher price for the TV than other places were selling it at, then that would have been my tough luck, so when the boots on the other foot......

The other point is it`s Ebuyer and whilst they used to be a good place to oder from a couple of years back, then their standards have fallen recently, so you are tempted to have less symapathy for them than other firms.

RE: Samsung 28in Pure Flat Widescreen TV for only £33 + delivery????

Likewise, wife and I ordered one each and have confirmation e-mail.

According to T&C that is then a legally binding contract, however in later paragraph, it does state that pricing error etc may result in supplier contacting buyer and asking for confirmation of product at higher price or cancellation of order.

I am assuming that once the money is taken and confirmation e-mail sent, then they are obliged to sell at that price. I am not sure the get out clause is strictly legal but no doubt they will try to envoke it.

Has anyone else an opinion on this?

RE: free Kenco coffee machine pods

I beleive the Salvation Army do a nice cup of Coffee if your desperate.

RE: kitkat kitkash promo loooks crazy!

I`ve been reading these posts for a few years and it really annoys me of the lengths some people will go to get a supposid bargain. I mean, spending £x to get KitKat bars! Not good deals, which is totally different. Get a life! These hoarders of the chocolate bars, have serious personality problems if they are letting these things rule their lives. So what if you can get a washing machine or the like for 100,000 Kitkash points.

Remember, you`d be better hawking the online sales for the latest offers. It would probably cost less in the long run and you wouldn`t have to eat KitKats, which are basically crap chocolate anyway. This promotion is the only way they could increase their sales, truth be told and aimed at Muppets - need I say more!.