Info and forum posts by 'super_king'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 20th February 2005, 14:27, Last used: Thursday, 5th May 2005, 13:59

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: i support nottingham forest....very interesting

This user has posted a total of 36 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

terminated it anyhow...

dont want to upset you lot and your precious game by not playing properly...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th March 2005, 19:25

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

didnt really, just chose to ignore it.

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

If so bored why spend the time to troll the boards (no not a mis-spelling) and not fight your grem???

read what i said again and that will answer your question. it was fun at first but started getting repetitive. plus mission accomplished anyway

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

i notice super_king has been onto the forum but he`s not been answering his challenges. suggests to me that the lemmings have taken flight now there "oh-so great" (not) leader has left.

meh got bored....and if late555 grem is not great why is he top of all time leaderboard?

answer that one :p

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

:/ whats that in relevance to?


alan rogers?? didnt think he was on here.

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

pah bit too late for a call to arms....we`ve already achieved our objective and moved on......

btw sunday league aint boring, our forums are a good friendly community and when an opportunity to show you lot how its done we couldnt resist.

whats next on the invasion list....

RE: Was fun all

christ some people take this game too serious...`cowards`? please....i never refused a challenge but i can be bothered now the SL grem army had achieved its goal of pushing to the top of the all time table. you claim to enjoy this game but as soon as a challenge comes along you all decide to complain rather than fight back. to be honest if anyones a coward its all of you that complained.


he means sunday league, the greatest online game.....

This item was edited on Monday, 7th March 2005, 19:01


hmm this guy seems like an attention seeker.....o well

RE: Jealousy indeed

:¦ silly boy

RE: Decline of the forum

your the one who got wound up with me when I (me) was being sarcastic! it was all a bit of fun so dont go saying that i started it, if you read the posts back it was you....

o well, who cares.................dork :p ;)

RE: distancing myself

if you ask anyone from the sl message board thats come on here the sl grem army thing was just a bit of lighthearted fun...thing is some people (not everyone) started to get rather cross and started to insult that kind of kicked it off....

RE: The New star wars film..

o well, saves me from having to go and see the film...

RE: Decline of the forum

hmmmm the sunday league gremlin invasion was just a bit of fun till `boywhoblockedhisownshot` started to have personal jabs at me, still i know you will probably all side with him due to the strength of our gremlin invasion...what with driving out the outsiders an all ;)

This item was edited on Monday, 28th February 2005, 21:26

RE: Jealousy indeed

crikey cant you tell sarcasm when you see it, its just a bit of lightheated fun :p

how ironic....

RE: Jealousy indeed

its what his intelligence has been quoted to be, and i have used that phrase to represent his intelligence....perhaps you think i mean something else..nevermind misunderstandings happen. i know what i mean...

anyway even if that is a slight typo...picking up on spelling mistakes and such and using it against people is rather lame dont you think?

as is accusing someone of cheating because they are doing better than you are...which is what this thread is about in the first place.

RE: Jealousy indeed

wheres the grammar mistakes? :/ unless you count missing out caps and the odd comma...still its only sad people like you that are so eager to pick fault with their nemisis that they have to resort to something as futile as picking up on slightly slack grammar....o how i pity you, you pre-adolescent child...struggling so hard with the concept of reaching puberty you choose to pick fights with people who are simply competitive. also calling someone a dork hardly makes your intelligence quotation stand out in a good light...

obviously scared of the revolution.... :p

RE: Jealousy indeed

well said.....accusing someone of cheating is more unpleasant that a bit of competitiveness.....


deal with it..... 8)

RE: Jealousy indeed

up the sunday league revolution.......

cant stop us now.......

RE: fear us.

you will all go crying to your mommys (yes even you `boywhoblockedhisownshot` :p )

be very scared.

RE: Jealousy indeed

do you know what sunday league is? if not i wouldnt pass opinion on it.

also how are we supposed to tell you of our invasion if none of you can view the sunday league forum?

think about what you said and then you should realise that your argument is slightly flawed...

RE: Jealousy indeed

i know what sarcasm is, where in that post did i say i didnt :/ of course i knew you were sarcastic, stop assuming things :¦

ask you mommy...

christ how old are you? two and a half? and no i dont miss a thing as you correctly pointed out me lad.

RE: Jealousy indeed

somehow i doubt it...

RE: Jealousy indeed

dispater you take this too serious....

if he wants 4 gremlins let him, ive got my grem up by fighting alone and i aint too bad.

methinks the Sunday League grem army is striking fear into other gremlin owners..... :p

RE: Jealousy indeed

up the revolution!

The sunday league grem army be taking the top spots in the leagues...

also it is a case of sour grapes with jffdave, hes got a better grem than you, deal with it :p

RE: Mr Flibble`s very cross!

ill beat you one day....maybe ;)

This item was edited on Monday, 21st February 2005, 19:44