Info and forum posts by 'Late555'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 30th January 2005, 12:27, Last used: Monday, 16th August 2010, 14:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Here lies - at the time of writing the greatest ever gremlin.
The first to top 24000 points, he exceeded that almost impossible milestone by over 7000 - despite living only 23 days.

Rest In Peace, old friend. You achieved virtual immortality.

Many thanks to the SL grem army who supported and laid down their lives to enable this to happen. Your sacrifices were not in vain. You`ll live on forever in Grem heaven...

I think I might cry now...

Nope. Sod it. Time to invade another site!

Sunday League - the world`s greatest football management simulation game

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

Quote: for golf what has that poor ball ever done to you to make you smash it about a field until it manages to find refuge in a hole!

As I understand it, it`s something for pets to chase. It`s all good exercise for them. (Conveniently they tend to play in areas with sandpits and trees - and if you get a large-ish area naturally devoid of leg-cocking-up opprotunities the groundskeepers tend to put a flag there to make up for it.)
You never seem to see the dogs when it`s on the tv, of course. They like their privacy...

RE: Was fun all

The motives of the SL army were immediately clear from the day we joined. To sign up en masse and get a gremlin to number one in the all time table. No hidden agenda. What is there to challenge?... :S

RE: Was fun all

...and then when we want to challenge them they run away.

Challenge all you want. I never refuse one...

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

You`ve not heard of golf or cricket then? ;)

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

norris mcwirter is on his way to verify the biggest concentration of nerds ever seen bickering over the smallest thing ever.


I can`t speak for the rest of the "SL Grem Army" but I doubt many will be up for this.The invasion went to plan, we gained the top spot (albeit temporarily, as I`m sure SW3 will have it shortly). Most of our grems are on their last legs, and I think most of us will be moving on... Time to stage an invasion of another site and get the top spot... :P

RE: Software Version. What`s in a number?

Hi folks.
I bought the 610 a few weeks back - obviously not having read about all the problems!
The closk kept jumping forwards 30 mins, and the fan was overly noisy - then I read this thread...
I`ve now updated to software version 26 (it was on a very old version dated Aug 04) and (fingers crossed!) seems fine now.

So - thanks to the folk who spelled out what I needed to do!

RE: Need help getting for fights

I understand completely mate.
My first gremlin was getting it`s fair share of fights, as several friends and family joined at the same time as me, but I terminated him early and started afresh when I realised I`d finish just shy of the top. The only way to get to the top is to have lots of fights.
I have an advantage there as I managed to get a lot of friends from another site to join. It`s the only way to succeed, unfortunately.

To be fair I`d like to see this maximum introduced. At present the site`s more of a measure of popularity (or having multiple accounts and lots of spare time) than any measure of skill or commitment.

RE: Hardest hit

Fen Cubed doesn`t get much luck, eh ;)
Here he is being battered by about the same amount by Camub - a hard-hitting grem that (several times) hit my current one for about 2000.

RE: Challange Giveaway Part 2

lol, no offence taken ;) - my post was tongue-in-cheek.

Thanks - the charge for the top spot is going well. I believe my grem`s now got the highest dexterity the site`s ever seen, and if the rest of the "SL grem army" keep up their challenges the top spot should be ours in no time. (I`m not sure how long we`ll keep it, though, as I see steamboat willy`s on the hunt for it again - along with a whole host of "support gremlins" backing him up :( )

Cest la vie. ;)

RE: Jealousy indeed

Unfortunately? ;)

RE: Jealousy indeed

Oh dear.
I despair...

RE: Jealousy indeed

Group hug, guys?

Steamboat Willy - welcome back. I trust you`ll put more effort in than you did with SW2...
SW1 is a legend though.
I, for one, welcome the competition ;)

RE: Problem for new gremlins

my opinion..p***** off with prats who want to spoil a friendly game!

Oh dear. You seem to be operating under some misconception. We`ve joined to play the game. We play fair, we break no rules, we`re friendly, we`re enjoying the game and the forums, and it seems you just can`t cope with some serious competition.
Been playing the game for long?
Feeling a little peeved that you can`t match up to the new kids?
Seems to me that it`s you that has a problem...

RE: Problem for new gremlins

Never refuse a fight - from anyone!
If you`re totally outclassed and know you`re going to get slaughtered you have two choices:
[*] Refuse the fight - and get zero xp
[*] Fight, lose, and get a small amount of xp
It beggars belief that you`d refuse a challenge because someone is marginally better than you!

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th February 2005, 13:55

Jealousy indeed

The Sundayleague Grem Army`s here to take the league by storm. Get used to losing - there`s a helluva lot of us. :p

As there`s so many of us there`s obviously going to be a fair number of "referals" and we`re all fighting each other as well as anyone who gets in our way.

It`s a revolution. We`re taking over!

PS - Since I posted a link to this game on the sundayleague forums a couple of hundred people have signed up to this site. Surely you folk aren`t whinging about this site becoming more popular?

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th February 2005, 13:51

RE: The martians have landed.

That damn fish gets everywhere!

I`m sure you`ve heard it all before, but....

I`m sure you`ve heard it all before, but please could any of you regulars who have a challenge spare send one my way, to help out a poor newbie...

It`d be greatly appreciated. :D