Info and forum posts by 'Sturm'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 20th January 2005, 13:05, Last used: Monday, 20th September 2010, 08:24

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 29 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

I really don`t understand why people refuse challenges, it`s just plain annoying.
Nothing to lose by refusing and points to gain by accepting.
I had a gremlin challenge me with these stats
str 60
stamina 68
dexterity 76
fights 207
wins 8
loses 199
Obvous win in 1 hit but hey I wont refuse points even if it`s only a few.

RE: name and shame.

1/3/2005 Son of Blaster Malachi_Malice a pensioner 65 3300 3336 355 233 122 Refused.

Bear in mind my stats today are 400 2904 4402 399 212 187 so were lower 4 days

This was dead cert win for him yet i was refused :/

RE: name and shame.

1/3/2005 Son of Blaster Malachi_Malice silver haired 65 2717 2710 302 190 112 Refused
22/2/2005 hootee the second snuffyhedgehog a pensioner 429 1073 1073 228 108 120 Lapsed
20/2/2005 Shaitan Deadite a pensioner 654 865 928 214 106 108 Refused
19/2/2005 Lance III aherne a pensioner 176 1034 1373 176 71 105 Lapsed
18/2/2005 Stalinomon DDP a pensioner 150 417 420 92 56 36 Lapsed
13/2/2005 Scary Jeff II Scary Jeff a pensioner 56 185 122 147 8 139 Lapsed

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 08:59

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

I would but I have no challenges left

RE: Punishment for poor little gremlins?

Leaving strength low and pumping dex/stamina will net you more points though for the most part you will lose your fights.
league score is still based on the sum of your stats, however it also take into account the number of wins x 10, thus a more balanced Gremlin will score better.

RE: Suggestion expired challenges

I dont see bigger gremlins picking on smaller ones so much of a problem.
I am more than happy for the top dogs to pick on me. it gives me a few points anyway.

Deducting points for letting a challenge lapse seems more than fair to me, not sure about refused challenges though as I see little/no point in refusing a challenge.

Suggestion RE: expired challenges

Why not make it that when a challenge expires the person who let, said challenge expire, forfiets and the challenger gets 11 points for the wasted challenge.

It becomes a tad annoying when challenges are left and I think most of us would appreciate the points.

RE: Sorry, but can we have the tactic bar moved back bellow.........

Well who asked you! If there was somewhere round here where we could meet up for a scrap you would be dead, TROMBLEDTM indeed by now. CocknobblerTM

You really should stop eating that red meat, it makes you so aggressive :P

BTW your siggy needs changing, yes your different but you sure aint cool :P



PS bring it on :P

RE: Sorry, but can we have the tactic bar moved back bellow.........

At the side is better since now we dont have to scroll down, it`s there to see all the time.
I like it :D

RE: what happened to my challenges???

Mine also shows as -3 and I have 5 outstanding challenges 2 from today and three from the 13th.

RE: Fight or terminate

Tell me by what means you ended up here and I might be able to do :P

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

Why not award the points on a per round won basis and include drawn round.
I have had lots of fights go the "Distance" and lose almost every round but get 20 points for my trouble.
If the points were distrubuted say 2 per round won and 1 per drawn round, that would go some way to discourage taking on the top Gremlins just for the points.
This would mean that the winner would gain a lot more points, upto 40 should they win every round, but would then encourage players to develope the gremlins differently to the current trend.

RE: Come on you wimps

Shame I have no challenges left or I could come whoop your sorry ass :P

RE: Fight me

I`m just coming into my prime now :p

RE: Fight me

yeah kaal twice in a row :o about time tho :D

RE: Challenge etiquette?

I try to return challenges where possible, I never refuse (did once but hey) and even take on the top 5 of the league.

RE: Fight me

Yaaaaaaawn 8) :p

RE: Fight me

LMAO you cheeky git.

f34r teh tahs0r

RE: Fight me

Noooooooo not the tash 8)

RE: Fight me

Dont fight Zoddie, he is a gimp boy :p :p

RE: Fight me

hehe I have challenged on of the top 5 today wonder how long I last lol

RE: Fight me

Wonder why the rounds are so different 1 quick fight and 1 long fight :/

RE: Fight me

Shame, my quota all used up on people who dont fight >.<

Fight me

Come on chickens take me down :P 8)

Fight or terminate

Why do people not fight?
I need to fight

If you cant even be bothered to press the refuse/accept link then why not just terminate and have done with it.