Info and forum posts by 'sakers'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 19:43, Last used: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 19:43

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Pioneer VSA740 AV-AMP
Yamaha centre and rear speakers
2xJVC Super VHS decks + Philips Super VHS deck

Into SciFi, Horror and Fantasy stuff

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Chipped Aiwa 370 & RCE R1 OK ?

I have a chipped Aiwa 370 and as I`m thinking of buying Hollow Man R1, which is RCE am just making sure that a chipped version of this player works OK with RCE discs.

Over to you Jimbo ?

RE: Where can I buy an Aiwa 370 Online?

I bought mine mail order from A very good shop IMHO. Very professional and knowledgeable. They chipped mine for multiregion (so I dont have to prat around with the remote, just put a disc in and it works) for £200. I`ll probably be using them again in the future.

RE: Watching Reigon 1 on Aiwa 370 and general picture qulality issues

I don`t see any lines but I have noticed very slight `jerks` or `judders` occasionally on my region 1 X-Men disc. Presumably this is to do with the different number of frames per second with NTSC. It`s not very noticable and only happens infrequently. Other than that, the picture quality is just as good and PAL discs. Any comments on this `juddering` business.

I have my Aiwa set to Auto and am using component video on the scart but I also get the same effect on the S-Video connection.

By the way, I too owe Jimbo a pint.

RE: PLEASE VOTE! your opinions count..time to let the Aiwa rest

You don`t have to get the Aiwa from Comet or Currys. I took Jimbo`s advice and bought it from switch-it-on (see Jimbos site for link). A most friendly chap took my order and explained all the technical details.

The machine arrived yesterday (fully chipped) and I must agree with Jimbo. It does `officially` rock. Most impressive indeed. The Matrix and The Thing have never been so enjoyable IMHO.

Keep the sig. Jimbo. I owe you one for recommending such a great machine.


Limit multiregion player from Richer Sounds. Any good ?

I am looking for a DVD player with MP3 playback. I was going to get an LG 3350e model but I can`t get one at a decent price before Xmas.

On the off chance I rang Richer Sounds and they recommend a Limit player for £200 with multi-region, MP3 and Macrovision defeater.

Does anyone know this model and is it any good ? How does it compare with the LG model mentioned above.

