Info and forum posts by 'Rikki'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 00:11, Last used: Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 00:11

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

SC2000 - Where`s my remote ???

Nelley, I`m fed up with trying the telephone, e-mail, and online help. I know you read these forums, so where`s my remote control ?????

Reference Online Support Number 2820. Invoice Number 0000403905.

SC2000 great. Glad I didn`t listen to most of the slating on this forum, but where is the backup ? I can`t even use mine properly until I get a remote/instructions/leads.

Thanking you in anticipation.

RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!


I can hardly agree more abou the customer service. I bought a SC2000 on 1st December. I`ve spent a total of 3 hours on the telephone since, and apart from once (yes, really folks, I did manage it !) getting through to sales, who incidentally told me I had to phone again to `customer support` (surely you can transfer calls once a customer has finally contact Mother Earth ???), written four e-mails, filled in two online customer support forms, and bitten my nails to the flesh.

The problem ? Well the player was unpacked like all new toys are. I was about to sit down and read through the instruction manual, and wait......there was no instruction manual. Or conecting leads. Or remote control.

In fact, all I had was the player itself. Comparing the 10 buttons available on the front panel with the web picture of the remote, I new it would be difficult to `drive` the thing.

The solution ? Contact friend with remote & instructions, connect the Scart Lead which was handed over at the time of purchase, and begin testing.

Thankfully, everything is fine - in fact I`m very pleased with the player and another friend has already taken his Wharfdale back to Tescos (only to find you`re out of stock again !). But............

I`ve had to hand the remote back to friend number 1. So......wheres my remote/leads/manual ? (reference online report 2820 for details). And Nelley, two of the four emails to date have been to you !)

RE: Thinking of Getting the SCAN

I bought the Scan on Friday (1st Decmeber). No problems yet. MP3 playback excellent.

No sign of pixellation, no lip-sync, multi-region works fine (as does RCE).

Can`t disable the macro yet, although Nelley has sent firmware (within one day of asking - this guy really does show customer care, even if his phone lines are a pain in th arse !).

I`m certainly glad I didn`t listen to must of the waffle on this forum.

Thanks Nelley !

RE: Scan firmware upgrade

Nelley, thanks for the prompt response. I got your email yesterday, but it seems to contain information to `upgrade` to firmware 184.

My machine tells me it`s already at 187, and I`ve read on this forum that people have been installing version 191.

Please excuse me if I`m a little confused ?????

I can see the pulsating brightness problem which is reportedly fixed with version 191, as is the macrovision disable. Is it possible to obtain a `backup` of version 187, so I can return my machine to it`s original state at any time ?

Regards, and keep up the good work, Rikki.

RE: Scan firmware upgrade

Could somebody please explain how to get on a distribution list for firmware upgrades ?

I bought a SC2000 today (1/12/00), and don`t seem to be able to disable the macrovision. Any ideas ?