Info and forum posts by 'Solabar'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 27th November 2000, 00:52, Last used: Monday, 27th November 2000, 00:52

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Not much to say here really

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Philips DVD701 vs Encore 450

OK For what was wrong with my Encore there is a Playback problems with Encore 450 thread a little way down. But suffice to say it was a little touchy reading trouble discs (Matrix, Jurassic Park to name a couple) Skipping and freezing.

As to Multiregion. Well perhaps not but that is not really an immediate issue for me. Maybe it will be in the future?

And yes I do have a video plugged through the second Scart connector.

Philips DVD701 vs Encore 450

Ok Haveing shipped my dodgy Encore 450 back to Amazon and realised that I would be without player for quite some time, given thier track record last december and all, I figured that I would go for refund and not replace.

This brought me to Tesco`s for my weekly shop and I was poking around thier selection of Wharf`s when I came accross the £200 (Give or take a penny) Philips.

Thinking "Hmm all the other stuff I have from Phillips is OK lets try this."

And I have to say I could not be mroe pleased. I have not once had a problem so far. Passes every test disc I could lay my hands on and horror of horrors it actually has a fairly resilient and well layed out remote!

Philips DVD701 vs Encore 450

Ok Haveing shipped my dodgy Encore 450 back to Amazon and realised that I would be without player for quite some time, given thier track record last december and all, I figured that I would go for refund and not replace.

This brought me to Tesco`s for my weekly shop and I was poking around thier selection of Wharf`s when I came accross the £200 (Give or take a penny) Philips.

Thinking "Hmm all the other stuff I have from Phillips is OK lets try this."

And I have to say I could not be mroe pleased. I have not once had a problem so far. Passes every test disc I could lay my hands on and horror of horrors it actually has a fairly resilient and well layed out remote!

RE: Encore 450 - Playback troubles

Just spoke to a very nice chap at Encore who was quite as bemused about the whole thing as I was. With a bit more explanation of the problem he decided that it was down to something dodgy with the unit and it`ll be replaced.

Rayyyy for nice customer services.

Only problem is I have to ship back to Amazon now. *sigh* Trust me to buy from alternate vendors.

RE: Encore 450 - Playback troubles

Thanks for the suggestion but I tried that with no real effect.

The curious thing is that it stutters in the same places each time, which is what led m to believe the discs were at fault. But trying them on another player they work.

Stumped again

Encore 450 - Playback troubles

Anyone else had problems with Stuttering or Freezing Playback or the player not loading discs, "No Disc" Message after spinning up 4 or so times. Curiously if you change regions sometimes the disc will work.

I know that the DVD`s are not faulty as they work fine in another player.

Any Ideas???