Info and forum posts by 'B.M.F'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 15th July 2004, 15:31, Last used: Wednesday, 23rd August 2006, 14:53

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Program is copy protected????????

Thanks for all the ideas folks

I will be trying the card swop idea tonight and that should give me some way forward.
An update to my querie is...........

By using the same scart lead I plug it into my video recorder and everything tapes fine, I put it back into the DVD recorder and it wont record, back into the video and it records again.

Anyway will report as to the changing of the cards


RE: Program is copy protected????????

Thanks for replying people, but............

Why should this work for months and now just stop for some reason, all with the same scart lead??

Have Sky changed something? I wouldnt think so as we would have heard a lot more about it by now.

Program is copy protected????????


I have a Daewoo DR2100P DVD recorder, I have my sky connected to it with a scart lead and I have been recording programs off various Sky channels for a few months now.
For some reason now when I try to record off Sky it just says cannot record program is copy protected. I can record off TV and as far as I know nothing has changed, so why all of a sudden I cannot record of Sky I dont know (its not the movies I cant record its just normal stuff like Sky 1 etc...)

Any ideas

Thanks in advance

Aiwa XD-AX10

I cant play copied DVDs on this player.

Are there any hacks or anything I can do to rectify this problem???


Cannot copy from one DVD to the other

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum,,,,,,

I have a Pacific DVD 900 and am trying to copy a disk being played on it, to a Daewoo DR-2100P. It just comes up with a warning and then wont allow me to copy

I have heard that you can get a certain type of scart lead to stop this???

Any thoughts on this anyone?

DVD Recorder Question?????

I am thinking of buying a DVD recorder and have noticed that most of them are +, is there any reason why I should consider buying a - ????

I am just after some opinions on this matter and also some thoughts on the dual layer ones.

The reason why I`m asking is that I bought a DVD player (sony) and paid about £80 for it, then found out it wouldnt play region1 and I couldnt get any hacks to make it play them. I then bought a DVD player from Asda for £22 which plays all regions and all types of disks.

I just didnt want to make the same mistake again

Thanks for any constructive comments

LCD or Plasma

This is more of a question, and its not about DVDs but saying that I`m sure that some one will have an opinion on this matter.

Which is best and why? an LCD now theyre getting larger or a plasma tv?

Acoustic Solutions TE-118A Region Hack Required

If anyone could give me some info on this player and whether it can play region 1 I would be very grateful
