Info and forum posts by 'FatMacsGrillShack'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 30th January 2004, 14:54, Last used: Friday, 30th January 2004, 14:54

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Fav Movies:
Star Wars Trilogy (the Original, not inferior prequels)
The Shawshank Redemption
The Usual Suspects
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Groundhog Day
The Blues Brothers
Happy Gilmore
It`s a Wonderful Life

I own over 400 DVD`s, 3 DVD players (including a portable), DTS sound system, Widescreen TV and a Poster Collection, which includes my favourites - Serpico, Straw Dogs and Back to the Future.

I have a knack of knowing a movie, just by listen to the sounds and music - sometimes I scare myself.

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: looking for The Day After Tomorrow dvd now has it already out on Region 1 - will take a few days after tomorrow to get it though. You can also enquire at the Cinema Store in London - they hold a lot of info. on R1`s and R2`s and are pretty knowledgable. Their is 0207 379 7865 - this is the place where all the movie insiders get their info. from.


Happy Hunting!

The Mac Daddy

RE: Matrix Revolutions

What good is the quality of the Picture and Sound, when the movie is just plain awful! go on and save yourself some money and wait for a decent film!

RE: Your Scariest Childhood film???????????

Wow! I went on holiday for a week and look at this thread - it`s a monster!

Another freaky film that I hated as a youngster was an Anthony Hopkins film with a maniac ventriloquist puppet - I think it was called "Magic" or something - anyway anything with puppets or clowns is a no-no.

RE: Region 1 DVD Sales in Central London

Fair enough - I sometimes buy off the internet, but why wait for newer titles - you might as well wait until you buy them second hand from a market stall. Most new DVD`s are £20 in the shops - I`m happy paying this amount for them. Justified they probably cost less than £1.50 to make, but my friends chip into the cost and we`re all happy.

PATIENCE is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue. Chewie`s partner must love waiting for it! :/

This item was edited on Monday, 2nd February 2004, 19:47

RE: Empire`s 100 Greatest Films

I felt that "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" would at least be somewhere in the top 100. Raiders is quality, but Crusade is just as good! did I miss it???? it`s not there , right?

Anyway - I wish i`d voted now

This item was edited on Monday, 2nd February 2004, 13:52

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Once upon a time in Mexico - Grrrrrr! Rodriguez cop out
Matrix Revolutions - Do not!Do not! see this movie (or reloaded for that matter!)

I saw both at the Cinema - and will not be going anywhere near them - with my DVD player. Filth!

RE: Region 1 DVD Sales in Central London

Back again - you lot infuriate me! I don`t give two monkeys if you guys want to wait for the internet delivery. I enjoy getting my DVD`s earlier - so sue me! I saw School of Rock back in September in the States - I will have to wait till March 2nd at the earliest if I bought of the internet, but I already got it last Friday. I paid £20 for it - so HHmmmm! pay £16.99 on play and get it on March 10th - or pay £20 and get it now!

That`s a toughie!

This item was edited on Monday, 2nd February 2004, 11:45

RE: Region 1 DVD Sales in Central London

Well, nice to get a decent response. And No, I am not a hack from Trading Standards - there are a few places that I buy from in town - the rip-off joint in Upper St.Martin`s Lane is not one of them. However a chap in Shaftesbury Avenue sells the R1 releases to me for £20 and I get them 3 weeks early. Besides this - I was hoping to see if there was any competition - the two above are either Unreliable with their deliveries or are way too expensive. I also found a chap in Farringdon - but he also is slow!

Oh! by the way - these stores are well known to Trading Standards and the film industry. So i`m sure they won`t worry too much.


ps - I`ve been checking out this site for over 4 years, this is the first time i`ve been compelled to write anything - I won`t bother next time!!!!!!!! and WOW! a weekend without a response - Jeez, I must have a life!

Region 1 DVD Sales in Central London


I know a few of the places to buy Region 1 DVD`s in London - but if anybody knows any others, I`d love to check them out, especially if their prices are good.